
there is that, yes - but the force in a severe collision my be better than the collision itself. Obviously, Mercedes understands that

of corse, and thats the point. The computer lets you know when your charge is running low. When you’re done for the day, when you’ve gotten that notification, you charge the mouse. Its a non issue.

of course, the magnet system would require management - only turning on when the braked depress, or something along those lines. Yes, you might pick up lose metal pieces when implemented, but better than a collision.

...or turn it upside down and charge it when you’re done using the computer for the day, and you’ll have a full charge for months to come without a work stoppage. Its like saying its crazy to have the charging port at the bottom of the phone because you’ll have to stop using the phone for some specific amount of time

I had this idea decades ago - magnets surrounding the impact areas of the cars front, rear and sides, which would repel another vehicle employing the same magnet system. It wouldn’t prevent all collisions, but would severely decrease the energy upon impact.

Looks identical to the Dell XPS 18

All robots are male, by default, unless they are a sexbot. Robots don’t have gender dysmorphic issues - they are all dudes. With the exception of the above referenced sexbots.

Well, yes, by ‘original cut’, I meant the Donner version, before it was reshot by Lester and released to theaters. And even in the Lester version, it was never spelled out that they had died, just that they had fallen. I had always assumed that they were simply ‘trapped’ below the ice. Until they were dealt with off

Now playing

Superman didn’t kill the phantom zone villains. In the original cut, they were shown being arrested after the battle.

an improvement is an understatement - the stabilization on the 6 is fantastic. On the plus it is unbelievable.

You must no own an iPhone 6 or 6 plus. The image stabilization in those phone is CRAZY smooth - the 6 plus being even better than the 6. I used to own a video company and have spent thousands of dollars on various steadicam type rigs - NONE of them come close to the smooth as glass 6 plus. I shot a little footage of

Thats akin to saying people shouldn’t care about their home movies shot in SD a few years before they got an HDTV. Sure, at the MOMENT it doesn’t make a big difference, but once the inevitable happens and they get that 4k screen in their living room, yes, it will be a big deal. True, a 16gb phone will run out of space

I perused the article, but since I have no plans to watch the show, the spoilers don’t really bother me. But honestly, and again I say emphatically, if the marketing department can’t give me a glimmer of information about the premise of the show, i have no interest in watching it to ‘find out’ if I like it. Thats

Really? You don’t think television networks do market research to find out if their marketing campaigns work? Tell you what - sign up for ABC advisory panel - see how many emails you get asking your opinion of their shows and marketing...

Dies;t work that way for places like Pottery Barn. They will order a small run of them (they probably get them for $75 a piece from China anyway) and sell them through their catalog. If they aren’t bought, they dump them. Marking it down by thousands of dollars would be negative to their brand. Its not like they’ll

As has been said a few times in the so-far pending posts, this would be quite easy to make out of wood and a little elbow grease. In fact, someone should immediately reverse engineer it and release a free download for the inside graphics, just to stick it to Pottery Barn for having the rancor-sized cajones for asking

Nope. I don’t ‘just watch’ something. It is the marketing department’s job to give me a glimpse into the subject matter for me to decide wether or not it interests me. If your assertion was the case, I’d be watching ‘The Hills’ and shit like that. I’d rather watch better things, thanks.

Utter billshit. Cuffs is the best thing Slater ever did. That and his cameo in Star Trek 6.