
No, its on them. Watch a trailer for any of the shows you mentioned - they clearly stated what the premise of the movie or show was. In actuality, I’ve never seen a fast/furious movie, but they fail as well, just like Robot. Well, they do a LITTLE better, because the title infers that the movies are about angry people

I don't understand the reference to Neuromancer, or what you inserted in it, but I seriously would not have guessed that the show was about mental illness.

I don't need the entire plot, but some hint as to what the show is about is generally a good idea. Then I can decide if the subject matter interests me. Which this show failed at doing, and in so, lost a potential viewer.

Cool but WAY too small. I want something life size, or as damn near as they can get.

I keep hearing how good this show is - the problem is, their marketing sucks. I have seen SO many commercials for the series, and yet I still have ABSOLUTELY no idea WTF this show’s premise is. All I can figure is that Rami Malek is either a robot or a big STYX fan. Neither premise are enough to make me curious enough

One of the greatest shows of all time. Third years later and they still hold up, are incredibly funny and just as entertaining.

Didn’t.... damn autocorrect!

I was a smoker for about 23 years. Im not saying anything about your thoughts on smoking, I am talking about your nonsense that somehow the crops are organic and therefore grown without pesticides. Read the USDA regulations. You’ll be shocked to learn what they can use on your ‘organic’ crops. The tar isn’t itself an

American Spirit is owned by RJ Reynolds. Believe me, even though you think they are ‘organic’, they use the same pesticides that are used on any other crop. The chemicals they are referring to are added to most cigarettes later on in the manufacturing process, things like tar - which aren’t added to these. They are,

Disney you read the announcement from Adobe? They aren’t ‘Photoshops’, they were enhanced using Adobe® Photoshop® software!

Now where have I seen this before...

A great edit, but seriously bad choices. Khan from “Star Trek II” doesn’t make the film, yet the Devil from the remake of ‘Bedazzled’ did? Jolie’s Maleficent was there (She wasn’t the villain in that movie) but her animated version wasn’t? Come on.

I watched this with my 8 year old, who has been excited about it for WEEKS. Now, I am a big Disney fan, so outside of it being terrible, I could have enjoyed it, but good christ, it was hard to follow. I couldn’t remember who was who’s kid, and why they were doing things they were doing. It made so little sense.


Although yes, Many of Sandler’s movies are really shitty, a handful of them aren’t. Here’s the rub though - His movies have earned about TEN BILLION dollars worldwide. Now, we can argue till the cows come home about which ones suck and which ones aren't awful and which ones are really good, but the bottom line is,

Monsanto has never once sued a farmer who has had their crops unintentionally cross pollinated. Not once, ever.

I’m all for it. I’d only see ads for McDonald’s dollar menu and possibly a gas station’s impulse buy candy rack.

Great editing, though i really disliked the background music. It didn't fit with the changes in tone from each sequence.

Man, I had almost the same experience, but at a Burger King.

I went in to grab some lunch, and there was a crazy long line at the register. And I saw a bunch of people behind the counter, standing by a grill and by a french fryer. I went back there and was like, hey, I don’t have time to wait in line, just give me

Im pretty excited about this. All four women are tremendously funny. And though i hate to say it, they mostly fit into the guise of the originals. McKinnon oozes Spengler, McCarthy really reminds me of Stantz, and Leslie Jones... well, I guess she’s the new black ghostbuster. I’ll give her this though, she is