A thousand bucks for a day's work? Please, sign me up to be 'underpaid' anytime.
A thousand bucks for a day's work? Please, sign me up to be 'underpaid' anytime.
what utter bullshit. Really? Reggae ranks higher than blues? Come on. NEW AGE isn't number 15? You must be high.
We decided to do this when our daughter was a baby, and have never used euphemisms for body parts. And sometimes doing the right thing leads to great moments, like when my five year old son proudly announced that "under my penis are my 'Tentacles'".
Im late to the party with this comment, but you're probably wrong. In most cases, if you don't have your ID on you when you're pulled over, you will most likely get a ticket for doing so. The cop will run your name, and as long as you don't have any warrants or license issues (for example, if it is upended or anything…
Sony advertised an eBook reader back in the late 1980s - I remember reading about it in some AV magazines - but I don't think it ever came to market. It was around 1987 when I first saw it, and thought it was a brilliant idea. Back in 2004, during a road trip with a buddy, I suggested that eBooks would be great for…
The answer is obvious - the only real value in a book is the information within. Wether that is written or illustrated, it is really the content that is treasured. Because paper books consume vast amounts of resources (in trees, energy to manufacture, shipping, retail space storage, libraries, etc.) the obvious format…
It was my understanding that Porsche owned 50+% of the shares of VWAG - in researching it a bit it turns out there are two distinct Porsche companies - Porsche SE - which holds the majority shares of Volkswagen AG and Porsche AG, which is owned by Volkswagen AG, so financially speaking, Porsche owns Audi. http://en.wi…
Volkswagen - sorry, I'm not a moron just a bad typist.
Porsche is an owner of Vokswagen AG, which in turn owns Audi. So it is kinda like congratulating a team member for catching that winning pass when you missed it.
TWO BILLION DOLLARS? FULLY SUBSIDIZED? WITH A PLAN? That is the most expensive basketball team in the world, and it doesn't appeal to business customers because it doesn't have a championship win, which makes it not a very good team.
Oy. If they ;eave it 'up to god', then why the hell are they at a fertility clinic. At the risk of it having been said before, its a vagina - not a clown car.
I can attest to this having been a professional DJ for over 20 years, although my area of expertise is events (weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc.) as opposed to nightclubs.
The very idea that DJs are celebrated and glorified is amazing to me. It really is no more than pushing a button, at least in the technical sense.
The outrage to 'not all men' is incredibly sexist.
Imagine if men made broad generalized statements about women, and then when a woman refuted that it was a stereotype and that 'not all women' behaved as such, they were shot down with this nonsense that indeed they were really part of the problem.
Ahhhh... Riker's beard. For twenty years I shaved my beard in the exact same way in hopes that I could be HALF the man he was. That's a damn fine collection of facial hair. What power and ruggedness it implies - And I'm a straight guy saying that!
I've been wearing a beard since 1991 (admittedly, in the style of Jonathan Frakes from 'Star Trek TNG') and although I won't argue with the science above, I will add a caveat - sometimes, a beard can hop make a man better looking. In my case, it helps define my neck line from my McRib swollen double chin. When…
Ahhh, cutting the cord. I so wish I could, but its just too damed hard.
Here's how it costs the studio money -