Of the seven actors who were heard on screen as trolls, one was a black woman. Four were white men. One was a white girl and one was a white boy.
When did white males become a minority?
Of the seven actors who were heard on screen as trolls, one was a black woman. Four were white men. One was a white girl and one was a white boy.
When did white males become a minority?
I have to agree with you 100% about the dress. With the exception of being angry about it. I thought it was quite enjoyable. Especially her hip thrusts when she walked... But yeah, totally jarring.
Merida, the princess from 'Brave' was rather average looking. She wasn't UGLY by any stretchy of the imagination but she wasn't a rail thin perfect beauty, either. And I loved Disney for that - which is why there was much outrage some months ago when Disney released a 'new' version of Merida (a line drawing rather…
who else would sing 'if i was a rich girl'?
Walking Dead. No doubt about it.
I use the Adonit pro.
It works REALLY well - I was unsure at first with the little plastic disc at the bottom, but now I write like a pro. No pun intended, of course. The only issue I have is once in a while the iPad picks up my hand as it sits on the screen. But Ive gotten used to writing with it and…
fair enough - some people like paper and pencil, and thats simply a preference. For me, I use bamboo on my ipad with a nifty stylus for fine-point scribbling. Its all the 'paper' I need. Again, the point of my original response was simply that Woz carries around equipment which is really redundant. In this day and…
Meh. I dont use advanced features. I sync my phone and iPad and listen to music and watch movies/tv content. iTunes works incredibly well for me. I take all this iTunes hate with a salt lick. Its just noise in my opinion. If a piece of software doesn't do the strange little specific thing you want it to do, download…
You may not think it's 'skeevy', but at least in Florida, its illegal to do so.
I mentioned this to my wife the SECOND I saw it. Her asinine grin was incredibly off-putting, bordering on offensive. Here she is, having lost a case she supposedly wanted to have won, in one of the most emotionally charged killings in recent history. An unarmed boy was killed, people are outraged and she has the…
I apologize for the VERY lengthy time to respond - I hadn't for some reason, noticed your question.
12 months is considered to be the maximum amount of time via standard etiquette. 2 months is considered the 'desirable' length of time, but you have up to 12 months to be considered proper. The fact is, they DO take a long time, and better to send out a nice note months later than a computer printed cut-and-paste…
There should be no bread, JIF or Marshmallow Fluff left the next morning. That's SCIENCE!
You said a mouthful.
NEVER! Fluffernutters are too perfect, and can be eaten anywhere, even in a honeymoon suite! That was his screw up, and I'm sticking by it!!!
Not at all. In fact, it's a great idea. The general notion is, if you get an invitation to a wedding, you should give a gift. It can be small, it can be crazy - as long as you acknowledge that you were important enough to them to invite you and include you in their day.
OK - after reading the article, AND all of the posts, here is my judgement and I suggest you take it as the final word.