
Christ, what I wouldn't have done for the 'buy a VW get a free Routan'. The Routan is about 8 grand more than the Dodge grand caravan, and they're the same vehicle. Only the Routan has much nicer details and plastics and design.

Krispy Kreme IS superior to Dunkin in one category - their generic glazed donut. That I dont argue with. However, Dunkin has far more specialty versions, which are all better. And bigger. I'll take a DD boston cream over the krispy kreme version any day.

My god, this is nuts. Painting a wall is one of the simplest things you can possibly do. The only hard part is the edge where the wall hits the ceiling. That takes a little bit of skill, to be sure. But painting in 3 inch strips with your non dominant hand? Come on. Roll up, roll down, use a slight angle to cover

Its an unpopular opinion, but I for one have zero interest in the 'Vette's engines - and I've driven a handful of them. I don't race on a track and for the most part, always drive the speed limit. What 'does it' for me with a Corvette is the body design. They have all ben (with the notable exception of a few) gorgeous

I dont believe Dwolla accepts credit cards...

its not to look sympathetic at all - if you read my post, you would see that I gladly eat the cost, though I wish I didn't have to of course. The point I made was that many OTHER business will simply pass the cost on to the customer in the bounds of the overall price, which I may consider but have no thus far done.

Most of my clients cant pay by cash - my typical services start at $1500 - $3000, so for the most part, credit is the usual sales portal for my clients. I dont have a retail space, so robberies aren't really a concern for me.

I wouldn't want to charge a different amount based on cash or credit - I think its kinda skeevy.

Exactly why I wont accept checks. Ive had one too many bounce back to me, and the services I sell can't be repossessed.

...but your statement of 'established as a cost of doing business' is almost always pointed back at the customer. Rent, electric and insurance are ALSO a cost of doing business, and each and every customer pays their share of that cost. Besides, many convenience stores WONT incur that charge, because many have a $5

It isnt always my choice to do so - most of my clients don't have several grand on them in case at that particular moment, so for me to accommodate them, I offer that service.

I own a small business and most of my clients pay by credit or debit card. I pay about 3% for each transaction, and my typical sale is about $2000, so that fee is sort of substantial. Being in Florida, I'm not allowed to add a 'credit card fee' onto the sale, but nothing prevents me from simply increasing my sale

Again, the notion of 'I don't need it, so therefore NO ONE must need it' - Yes, lots and lots of people haul around 7 people frequently. Families with more than 2 kids would be some of those people. My wife and I have two kids, and when my in-laws come to visit (usually twice a year, for a week or two at a time)

Having been a fan of Corvettes (my Dad has owned several over the decades) for many years, I am always excited to see the 'next generation' design that they bring out every few years. I will say this of the vette - the C5 and C6 were, to my eye, just slight re-shapings of the C4 of the mid 80's. Though they were all

...and our current day Indiana Joneses cant wear some sort of protective metal suit to defy arrows and fireballs or crushing ceilings that MIGHT still work after 2 thousand years? I can't - no, I WON'T believe that.

I dont think its poor design, as Ive dropped all of my iphones numerous times, with just the one crack. I think its really just luck. If you have a glass screen, you run the risk of a break. Having said that, as to the original meaning of the thread, how someone drops and breaks it within a day of owning it is simply

Well, Id say that BB didnt break because if I'm not mistaken, dont they have plastic screens on top of the LCD rather than glass? But how'd you break the 3G so much? Do you just drop it a lot? I suffer from pretty bad butterfingers - I drop mine all the time, but I guess I've been 'lucky' in just the one crack.

Only one problem - Apple making a new one every year! All joking aside, I can't complain - Ive been able to buy a new iPhone each year and sell the old one, essentially like getting paid a few bucks a year to get a new phone with a full warranty. Yeay Apple and yeay resale value!

I hear what you're saying, but man, I hate case. Too easy to lose, to annoying with change in the pocket... I much prefer using plastic. As for places that DON'T take debit/credit, well, when I do see those places I generally try to remember so I can avoid them. I remember a few years ago my wife and I went to

I keep my phone in a case, but the screen is out and free to breathe - I can't imagine breaking it, at least so quickly after getting it. I have have 6 iPhones now, and have only ONCE cracked my screen. It was an iPhone 4 that took an unfortunate tumble from my lap onto the ground as I got out of my car. And even THAT