
It was a one in a million chance, doc - a one in a million!

Considering you can use a debit card at McDonalds and to buy lemonade from any kid on the street using a Square or Paypal Here card reader and an iPod touch, I'd say cash is something we don't have to really worry about. I doubt it will be long before even seeing a dollar bill is a rarity.

Yeah, as much as we loved it, the plastic on the hands and arms were really torn up - almost to the point where they would scratch my daughter pretty badly if she grabbed at it enough. Tiana had a good run - we threw her out in the name of safety, not race relations.

maybe in the world of GIFs or something, but thats not the reality I've seen. My daughter (who happens to be white) LOVES Tiana and has an abundance of Tiana shirts and toys, along with a Tiana doll that she played with until it was so raggedy it had to be thrown away. I also notice a lot of little princess wearing

Wow... lots of venom. Pretty uncalled for. What made me a pretentious ass?

In 1988 I bought a Sony GV-8 video walkman. It was amazing. A full color LCD screen with a tuner, av in, cable ready AND a built in 8mm vcr. I recorded scores of videos from MTV and copied over tons of my regular VHS tapes to 8mm to bring with me wherever I went. It ran on the same NP batteries that Sony camcorders

You say that people dont care when each person dies in a car crash - but thats not really true. We require people to carry liability insurance when they own a vehicle. We take away their license to drive if they killed or hurt someone while driving. If they have an accident, their insurance premiums increase, either

Now playing

As the negative husband of an HIV+ wife, this is exciting news; perhaps working this backwards can rid the body of HIV. Then you just have cancer. Or something.

...and then when Al Qaeda exploits a design flaw and blows it up, are they heralded as heroes?

Your complaints about the environmental aspects are not really valid - your non-apple desktop would use the same minerals and components that the iMac does.

You're quite wrong, unless Delta HAD the functionality and then removed it. I flew to Vegas and back the week of October 1 - October 6th, and used the delta app to create a passbook version of my ticket. I suppose its possible that they were doing a test run and have since disabled it... carry this battery in your pocket along with your phone or carry the extra android battery in your pocket along with your phone. This is different how?

since 2011, at least in regard to stereo speakers.

I've been with AT&T for about 9 years now. They have had their ups and downs. My general experience is decent. The data is reliable, the calls are reliable, most of the time, until I enter an area with poor reception. I drive a lot and am aware of a handful of places where the network just doesnt work for a block or

I bought a Belkin back cover for my iPad last year, and several months after I bought it my son dropped the iPad on the floor, cracking the case and denting the corner of the iPad. I called Belkin and they asked me to send the iPad, the broken case and the receipt for both (which, fortunately, I had) - they examined

Delta is compatible, or at least was back in the beginning of October - I flew to Vegas for a week and had just gotten the Passbook app and was thrilled to use it. It worked very well in conjunction with Delta's app.

It actually sort of 'IS' Robin Williams - the head is the same as 'The Timekeeper', which was voiced by (and made to look like) Williams back in 1993 for Tomorrowland's circlevision 360 attraction. Here is the original animatronic...

I was incredibly luck growing up in the late 70's and early 80's in that my dad was an early adopter and would give me his 'hand me down' electronics. We had a Sony top-load VCR in the late 70's (we probably got it in 1978 or 1979) which was amazing. I got a color TV in my room when I was about 9, which was pretty

...and how many of those kids who were 'nindependant' now make big bucks programming code for video game companies? Probably a bunch. Just like anything, good can come from fads like that and bad can come. It all depends on the kid. You can watch an episode of 'Martin' with your kid and discuss it afterward and come

Thats great that you need specific applications for your work - not everyone does. I run a very successful company using nothing more than my iPad. I use iwork for my spreadsheet and publishing needs, keynote to design and showcase my presentations, photoshop to do my photo adjustments, email to send items out for