Why would it be a poor choice to have a tablet to do everything i need it to do? That very presumptuous of you. I could buy a nuclear reactor to power my house, but its unnecessary to do so.
Why would it be a poor choice to have a tablet to do everything i need it to do? That very presumptuous of you. I could buy a nuclear reactor to power my house, but its unnecessary to do so.
The average selling price on ebay for a 1st gen 16gb iPad 1 in good condition with box and accessories is about $275.
MS stores are not only few and far between, most people dont even know they exist. People said the same about the RT version. I havent seen one in person yet.
When a company makes a product, especially one touted as 'innovative', and they DONT expect or intend to dominate the market, they have failed. Any business owner, whether you run a huge computer software/hardware company or just own a neighborhood ice cream store should approach their market with the intention to…
Claiming that the Mini's screen is grainy and terrible compared to the retina is like saying a Lexus is an awful car because a Ferrari is better. I own two iPad Minis and yes, the retina screen is incredible, but that does NOT make the Mini's screen bad in any way.
The surface has failed. In a big way. The RT version is a dud, nothing other than a 'MS iPad clone'. The really fun feature is the smart cover with built in keyboard, but thats a hundred bucks more, reports are that it is built poorly (falling apart at the connection point) and types badly. Now Balmer has all but…
Agreed 100 percent. And there aren't many of us who really know what you're referencing! Good call, Ash! Good call, indeed.
Im pretty damn computer literate, and I have never once used evernote. I have HEARD of it, but wouldnt know the icon if I had seen it.
Every time I see this poorly named product on here, I read it as 'Kindle paper weight'
Low res and slow? Not noticeably. Sure, compared to Apple's flagship iPad its not as powerful, but the OS is responsive, intuitive and a pleasure to use. Expensive? Perhaps a little, when comparing to the poorly built plastic competition. But how much is that Kindle fire or Nexus 7 going to fetch you in a year or two…
In actuality, the physical keyboard here is substantially larger than the on-screen keyboard. Notice that the keys go edge to edge, and from Q to spacebar is nearly the whole height of the mini, not a little less than half that the on-screen one gives you. Certainly not as great as a full sized, or even an iPad sized…
I'll be honest, I'd prefer a retina screen on it (or at least something with a higher quality) but it isnt a dealbreaker - the IOS experience and app store make up for whatever the screen resolution or processor power is lacking. Im planning on getting two of these, one for each kid, so in reality, my MAIN concern is…
Ridiculous. The website doesn't show the product. I understand that on your SHELF it should be invisible, but if they are asking for my money I should be shown what it does. Simple logic says it is an 'L' shaped thin piece of metal that sits under the 'end' books and then inside the covers of said books. If that is…
You know, wur5ty, its comments like yours that just get me hopping mad. You suggest by the claim 'I plan on doing actual work...' that tablets cannot do that. I cant speak for the Surface, but I use my iPad to do ACTUAL work. I own my own business and I use the ipad for 100% of my computing to do so. That includes…
If this is a 'viral' or advertising hoax video, it says far less about the recording time of the GoPro's battery and far more about the poor quality of their camera-securing devices! For the record, My GoPro is really wonky with battery, and the quality of the final product NEVER looks as clear or beautiful as those…
Not really. Though the entry level (32gb) is cheaper than the comparably equipped iPad, they really needed to have this machine beat the 16gb ipad price. Most average consumers buy on cost, and given the choice, I think most would choose the iPad in this case even though the surface would give them an extra 16gb for…
its not cheaper than the least expensive iPad (unless you count the iPad 2, which probably will ned its availability very soon) - so therefore, I dont think it'll do well. The rt interface is really no different than the ipad's gui. its got icons on a screen that you touch to select, or swipe to move to the next page…
lets see the pics or it didn't happen!
To me, it seems like MS blew it with the surface. With the confusing OS name (windows RT vs windows pro!) I have read many articles and blog posts about the surface RT being a 'real' computer, people just dont understand that the RT is essentially window's iPad. It can only do apps from the (windows) app store. The…