
I just picked up the new nano (I have a 6th generation one that I use as a watch) and I have to say, its pretty sweet. I dont use it for music, oddly enough, but as a video nametag. I own a wedding service studio, and I wanted to have a nametag that also played video clips so I could showcase my company's work. It

You say Surface is 'innovation', but how exactly is it innovative? I have an ExoPC tablet, released about a year ago, which essentially is exactly the same as the surface. Runs windows 8, has 2 USB inputs - nice and light, great touchscreen. The Surface has the nifty magnetic keyboard, of which you can find a zillion

Being within or out of the 14 day return policy is moot in your essay; Apple offers a one year Applecare policy with every new purchase. You were covered no matter what.

Let me give you the reality from a Florida resident who was arrested for essentially the same thing. In most counties of Florida, should the police arrive at ANY sort of domestic dispute, they will arrest one (if not both) parties. For example - if you and your wife are having a loud argument in your apartment and a

Its a good thing Gizmodo tells everyone that a case is not only unnecessary but foolish!

I dont know - some of those things look really nice. Forget the practicality of CF's properties, sometimes it just has a very elegant look. That necklace at the end is stunning, and so is that bathtub. Yes, CF looking stickers for the back od phones and computer mice is silly, but in the right object, I think it looks

I, for one, enjoyed this. I like seeing C suite dudes doing silly things. Im not a BB fan, but after this, they've won me over, in at least that I hope they DO keep on loving you. Though I won't buy one. I'm an iPhone guy.

I have to say, i think Whedon is a big hack, I have really not enjoyed MOST of the things that he's done, but I enjoyed this movie a lot. It was predictable as hell, and the plot was pretty far fetched, but I thought it was a fun send up of the genre.

Jesus, i don't know what the hell you're smoking, but your black and white blanket statements are getting out of hand. You really are starting to sound like a real a$$hole, and I hate to see somebody act like that when they don't have to.

Hey Verizon - unlimited IS just a word. It means

Things evolve, electronics get smaller (or larger, depending on the device) This transportable was a second generation cell phone - before this mobile phones were simply 'car phones' and larger than this, with a box mounted in the trunk that fed to the handset and base generally mounted in the center console. My

Passbook is a letdown so far. It was the ONE thing I was really looking forward to, and thus far its a big lump of junk. I did find online that you can create custom cards at, but thats a bit of a pain in the a$$ and they dont have EVERY cared - I was hoping (as I saw someone else in the comments said)

why would you need to carry cables all the time? One charges their iPad overnight and its pretty good to go for all day long. I've never carried a cable around, and I've never run out of juice during the day. Of course, a few times I forgot to charge it at night and it ran out the next day, but a different dock cable

Well, OBVIOUSLY, Mario isn't in the movie because Bob Hoskins has Parkinsons and retired from Hollywood...

hey now... when I visit exotic places I eat the gross local food AND try their McDonald's. Im no hypocrite!

Sam, just because YOU find it unappetizing, that doesn't make it 'unacceptable'. Its perfectly healthy, perfectly legal and in many instances, perfectly TASTY food. I hate to come down on you hard like this, but your opinion-laced article takes away ANY 'journalistic integrity' you may have hoped to have in your

I bought my 4 year old a bunk bed, because her cousin had one and when she comes to visit (they live on opposite coasts) once a year, its nice to have a place for them to sleep. Of course, they wind up both sleeping on the top or bottom of the bed, so there's that. But kids like bunk beds, and its a place to keep all

Printers. Printers. Printers. I have probably fist-smashed 7 or 8 printers in my lifetime. The last one being an Epson artesian 720 that I put both fists through the flatbed scanner glass in a bout of rage. In that case, my rage was misplaced - I had just upgraged to OSX Lion, and wireless printing just wouldn't work

Brian, you should check out those songs. They were pretty darn good. A disaster, yes, but ultimately some songs by a really talented artist for people who don't tend to like country music.

wow - HP is not only ripping off Apple, but Vizio even moreso! I saw THIS desktop in WalMart yesterday!