
Kyle, I have to disagree with you. Im reading on my LCD for at least 4 - 5 hours a day, and I have no issues. BTW, it is impossible to read anything - ANYTHING without light radiating from it. That light may be bouncing off an eink screen or a paper page, but nevertheless, if you can see it, light is radiating off

I despise the idea of them calling the phone the 'iPhone 5', simply because it isnt, no matter how much the public thinks it may be. My big prediction - that 'mini iPad' won't be an iPad, rather the new ipod Touch.

I think they were cool for a minute or two back in 2005. I bought the one that Apple made for the iPhone, simply because I loved that it charged on the same dock connector and a picture of it came up on the phone's screen. Other than that it was a pain in the ass, fell out all the time and was no better than any other

You know, I find the whole idea of this insulting - which it really truly is.

I'll be honest, I still have my laserdisc player and hundreds of discs, but I havent played them in years. I have nearly all of them on DVD or Blu-Ray these days anyway.

I rarely wear one, but when I do, its an iPod nano with a watch strap accessory. I love having the ability to change the look of my watch (I usually wear it with Mickey Mouse!) and I really enjoy the extra benefit of lots of music in my watch, if I ever want to play those songs. I recently added a bunch of photos to

Ill tell you - I routinely use about 4GB a month. I dont know how the hell I do it. I am on my phone a LOT from about 9 am until about 1 pm, but its mostly peanuts... a handful of emails, reading webpages and once in a while I stream a video from you tube or something. I cant imagine that it is actually 4gb, but thats

...and the problem I had with this ad was that he has to connect his iPhone 5 to his MacBoook pro to upload the picture to Facebook. Surely the iPhone 5 would be wifi compatible and not require the need of a laptop to complete its ONLY function of posting sad food photos to the internet. Fail, dudes... big time fail!

Why would it be hard to believe? If I bought my iPhone for $200, and I sell it for $350 a year later I'm up $150 while getting a new handset. The person who bought it got a very well taken care of model for two hundred bucks less than they would have new. Thats the best part of owning Apple products, there is always

Wow. Lena was the playmate the month and year I was born. How cool.

As great as that is, all of these 'we buy your phone' places really dont give top dollar. I have sold each generation of iPhone as the new come came out, usually on or after launch day, and I have NEVER sold an iPhone (previous years model) for less than $300. I got $350 for the iPhone 4 last year, and an unreal $400

Im not the biggest fan of big box stores, but I have to throw a little defense around for Best Buy. Although many times I have had difficulty finding someone in a particular section to ask a question, and though there have been plenty of times where they really didnt know the answer to my question, I dont believe I

Its really a shame that some boys are so stupid. I have a daughter and would be absolutely elated if she worked in the tech/science field, in ANY capacity. I tell her every day that there is NOTHING a boy can do that she cant. Well, short of peeing her name in the snow, but we live in Florida so its really a non

My goodness, is shopping at the supermarket really this difficult a task for people? Really? I make a list (I used to do it on paper, now I use the 'grocery IQ' app) I grab what the list asks for and I check out. It generally doesnt take very long and its really not that traumatic. The worst part is letting go of my

This has been a topic of debate for years with me. Eink is bunk, at least in the 'eye strain' department. Light has to bounce off of the eInk screen for you to see it. That light hits your eyes. Now, if you are using an LCD screen at full blast in a dark room, yes, more light hits your eyes, and that could POSSIBLY

Sorry, Avram - I disagree with you on a great many of these items.

Sorry, Avram - I disagree with you on a great many of these items.

I reject absolutely every one of your 'nevers' and call you, Dvorsky the worst person in the universe today. How DARE you shatter all of our childhood dreams in one fell swoop! As ridiculous as they may be, I propose that one day, somehow, somewhere, people WILL figure these challenges out. And I suggest that we coin

Only this is what Android looked like before IOS.

Cute commercial - but the implication is you can really only do that (48 hours of camping using the tablet) if you bring it inside and charge it every 7 hours or so. A far better use of the commercial would be for some sort of third party case or battery that allows you to use your tablet for days on end while