
Man, I love Woz and everything, but hasn't anybody told him you can replace ALL of that stuff with just an iPhone, an iPad and a MBP? I mean really, why does he need 9 smartphones? I know he loves to get the latest and rgeatest and play around with them, but really? 9 phones everywhere he goes? There are services and

yeah, the price is awful. My wife uses Truvada and fortunately, she has a halfway decent health plan from her work - it only costs us $30 a month. The job she had previous to this one covered even less - we paid close to $500 a month for her meds.

Fossil, I'm going to tell you, point by point, why you're an ignorant fool.

I actually had a decent experience (in the end) with FPL back in 2007 - we had a brownout followed by a handful of surges, and it killed my daughter's iMac. I contacted them and after they checked and confirmed that we had the aforementioned surges, agreed to pay me for the computer. They wanted to give me $200, as

very odd - I read this elsewhere this morning and went to check, and the refurb store was fully stocked. Still is. I wonder why some people are seeing this differently than the res of us?

The question has little to do with specs, and far more with nostalgia. I love my Macbook Pro - it doesn't hold a candle to the nostalgia that I have for some old computers I rocked when I was younger. My Coleco ADAM was amazing - an Apple clone WITH a ColecoVision built in. My Commodore 64 was fantastic and got me

The question has little to do with specs, and far more with nostalgia. I love my Macbook Pro - it doesn't hold a candle to the nostalgia that I have for some old computers I rocked when I was younger. My Coleco ADAM was amazing - an Apple clone WITH a ColecoVision built in. My Commodore 64 was fantastic and got me

The question has little to do with specs, and far more with nostalgia. I love my Macbook Pro - it doesn't hold a candle to the nostalgia that I have for some old computers I rocked when I was younger. My Coleco ADAM was amazing - an Apple clone WITH a ColecoVision built in. My Commodore 64 was fantastic and got me

I have to jump in here - there is NO shame, if you can afford it, in buying new shoes frequently.

Im sorry - you're wrong. Apple gives its older phone owners the same OS updates the new phones receive. Sure, some of the features may not carry over (for example, Siri, or in the case of the 3Gs, 1080P Video, which the camera itself was not capable of) but nonetheless, the phones get the SAME new OS, in which many of

I really dont see how microsofts keyboard case, as neat as it looks, will be any easier to type on than the umpteen iPad keyborads that have flooded the market. It is essentially a membrane keyboard that is not fullsize. Again, its a novelty being so thin, but thin isnt the issue - width is. Being the size of the

No one seems to get that because Microsoft has done an awful job with their marketing. When you have two operating systems that essentailly share the same name but are totally incompatible with each other via different processor requirements, it gets tricky. Sure YOU get it, and I get it, but most people don't. MS has

I ditched my wallet about three years ago for the iPhone and this (back then a similar wallet) case - I scanned in all of my wallet based cards (insurance card, AAA card, best buy reward zone card, etc.) and keep them in a photo album called 'wallet'. They are conveniently all about the same size as the iphone screen.

Hey, That's MECO you're disparaging there - that is one of the greatest albums of ALL TIME.

OK, Ive been a Star Wars fan since '77, and I can tell you, these toys aren't NEARLY as awful as a lot if them were back in the day. OK ,the Jar Jar tongue thing is pretty gross, simply because of the implication of sucking his tongue - but apparently you whippersnappers don't remember many of the simply god-awfu

Unfortunately, (or fortunately, i suppose, it depends on how you view things) the world isn't nearly that black and white. Even a 20%, which says a lot, doesn't tell nearly the whole picture. I hypothesize that there are many, many people who are anti-gay who ARENT that way because they are repressed homosexual, but

And ONCE more, I would like to point out that the 'Apple Kool Aid', old chestnut, which references the Jonesboro suicides, is incorrect. They poisoned their FLAVORAID. Its like claiming that a business idea is bad, just like that 'New' Pepsi that bombed in 1985. Please folks, if you're gonna make a cultural reference

but you;re making their case. You're 6'5 - you are relatively tall compared to the rest of the world and so you probably have relatively large hands - its a reasonable fit. For the millions of other people who are SUB 6', its simply too big. The point the writer is making is that the phone is simply too big for most

I agree that the design just isn't great - it isn't slick with that rubbery bendable hinge, and the idea of a foldable keyboard doesn't sit well with me. How about removing that keyboard part, and simply having a MacBook in the form factor of an iPad - a 13" iPad that runs OSX, essentially. Thats what I would love to