Bobby Z.

Something, something, wouldn’t mind rear-ending her etc.

The early birg gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.

Now playing

Happy July 4th to all! I submit this video for your my viewing pleasure.

Today’s F1 drivers are such a bunch whiny Drama queens.

Well, they are Canadian, so really only about 10k pounds of torque....

I mean, it’s an Echo, so it was barely transportation to begin with.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

I don’t see why we can’t have both? Because I’m not quitting obscure Beetle taillight research.

Hear, hear, Jason! You are doing excellent work!

I see this EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. on my way to work (pretty much the same few people as well). What really sucks is that I go by a bunch of small ponds with many depressions in the road so fog is almost always an issue. One of the many reasons I believe in re-testing every few years one you have your licence (not

i dont think an f1 suspension would even last a whole lap on that track. a group b car could prob do 14 minutes though.

Morgan time?

It was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what? It hasn’t changed.

First up, the classic Gigi Galli drift:

One of my favorites, obviously