Bobby Z.

F40 definitely fails the Lexus ‘90 marble-roll-on-fender-gap-test...

This. More Harris, less Evans, please. In fact, all Harris, no Evans.

The ginger is to blame. He’s what gamers call a “try-hard.” I can’t understand why they hired Chris Harris, yet don’t use him for the power lap-ready car reviews. Such a waste.

I remember the good ol’ days when if you crashed you just blamed Pastor Maldonado. Now things are so complicated...

I know! Dad is getting some serious air!

Hot Older Redhead Exposes Underthings On Tarmac


It is the emoji people use to signify a phallus.

I think the Nismo scheme works better on the 370z:

So long as next week’s headline isn’t “Denver cop’s illegally imported car was seized today"..

This is a good thing,nice story.

Out there somewhere in America is the High School Auto Shop teacher that is going to make one of these. He is recruiting smart and talented kids with the zeal of a Texas Football coach because he knows it’s going to be his year. Retirement present for a long well fought career in the bowels of High School Shop.

Kidney for sale just 80k, hit me up for details.

lol I entered the state after dark and left before morning broke the next day. I drove through Texas without seeing any of it.

It’s not great, but you do get a very cool pre-dawn view if you’re up early enough.

No fair, they didn’t test the Mustang in real-world conditions.

An American, German, Japanese, and Italian car maker were all sitting in a cafe in Italy one day, talking shop.