
But our justice system doesn’t really work that way. Let’s say you level a completely true allegation, but you don’t have any clear evidence. You get hit with a lawsuit like this and you have no way to defend it. You have to track down and pay for lawyers to even get to the point where truth matters. A lot of people

Except that’s not how sexual assault allegations work. Though some people believe any kind of allegation, they’re usually vetted at least somewhat, especially before any kind of prosecution takes place. If Bieber doesn’t have detailed receipts or alibis for future accusations, he also isn’t going to be able to win in

Has Selena vouched for him yet? Without that I don’t see how Airbnb receipts exonerate him—the idea that he had a reservation somewhere and slept elsewhere is not, in any far-fetched for cerca-2014 Bieber (or really any Bieber).

Well, if he didn’t seem guilty before, he sure does now.

To me the criticism doesn’t especially make sense because a lot of encounters you could fully sneak past—and on a couple of occasions I would feel guilty for not being good enough at stealth to do so. I think that is a great part of player empathy. The situations where you can’t sneak past are those where it is a

And I hope that programmer feels at least somewhat vindicated to see people use this feature.

Surprised no one has said Judi Greer.

Seems like the troll arguments are either homophobia or they’re angry about the shift in perspective (partially because of sexism) and the inciting act in the game that requires revenge.

Yeah, the intense backlash it’s gotten from fanbois angry about certain character developments (or just being sexist/homophobic) and “hot take” critics is kind of depressing. It’s an ambitious game that takes risks and does them well. We need more of that. I just hope this doesn’t become a Last Jedi-type situation

I just beat the game; I don’t get the ludo-narrative dissonance that people bring up whenever they talk about it. The game doesn’t guilt-trip you for regular encounters at all. Ellie makes some bad decisions, but I never felt that the game was trying to make me feel guilty. The interactive element puts you in Ellie’s

I think the main actor in this is just too pretty for me to take it seriously.

Maybe I watched it in a poor mood, but I was not a fan of Finding Dory. Dory is a comic relief character that works well as a side character, but, when pushed into protagonist mode, gets grating quickly.

Very excited for this. I absolutely loved the first season. A little disappointed to hear the episode centered on Ramy’s mother and sister aren’t as good as they were in the first season--where they were clear standouts--but hopefully the added Mahershala Ali makes up for it.


Amy Adams does such a wonderful job in this film. Her character isn’t in that many scenes and could easily fall into a bunch of underdeveloped “best friend” tropes. But instead she comes across as a fully developed human being with genuine chemistry with Theodore that is able to bring out the best in him.

I reckon it’s their best work aside from Funeral and maybe Neon Bible. And I like to love the rest of their work.

I disagree; I think it’s refreshing that there isn’t tension about her being self-aware because that’s been done a billion times before. Maybe it means that the film is less of a commentary on technology, but it isn’t trying to be. 

The concept has been done before, but the movie isn’t so much about technology as it is about divorce and moving on. Though she’s the main story hook, Samantha is essentially just a rebound for Theodore that distracts him from the loss of his marriage, helps his recognize his fears, and evolve into a more appropriate r

I think there should be a middle ground. Just like how there’s problems with hot but deep jock getting bookish but deep girl, there are of course problems with nerdy but sensitive guy getting hot but secretly smart girl.

Aside from maybe Low, I can’t think of another artist that does Christian music as tastefully.