
Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,

It’s nuts that so few reviews I’ve read of this focus on the humor, or view the humor as incidental. This episode was chock full of belly laughs for me, especially when he incepts Kor the trivia answers (“It’s moments like these I curse the Chinese for inventing gunpowder”). I get that the deep introspective stuff is

He’s going to the UK to escape the stupid in politics?

Jesus the typos in this shit! How is this even possible?

It’s a fun thing to look back on, now that both LoT and the AV Club are over.

Yeah I was gonna say, SNL’s problem with Trump was that their writers suck at political comedy and they stuck with a deeply unfunny Alec Baldwin impression for 4 years, not that they were afraid to cover current events. 

I actually went back to look at the byline to be sure it wasn’t Perkins. Martin seems to also share the view that the opening sketch each week should be someone yelling, “Donald Trump and the Republicans are destroying the country and you fucking morons don’t see it!”  Despite being someone who shares that political

For a second, I thought you were referring to the band.

Lulu, who in turn does not end the movie by stalking and killing her former human ally in an orgy of bloodshed

Directors doing the press circuit to sell the GRIT and INTENSITY of their PG-13 movie is the most tedious thing about modern blockbuster filmmaking. This tired little routine where they do some work on behalf of the studio’s marketing department to sell the 18-34 audience that this film about a character routinely

One off episodes of a character or story that seemingly has no connection to the main plot of the show is pretty common. Establish a new character, give up to date information about a returning character, tell a story in the past or somewhere else that parallels or informs the main story. The problem here is that with

Grogu steps forward, lifts his little robe, and urinates on both lightsaber and chainmail shirt. 

It’s funny as well that we should get one of the episode’s many new and returning cameos from Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson), who spends most of her screen time warning against the dangers of attachment. For all of the Jedi philosophizing the show indulges in, none of that seems to exist beyond textural window

Surprised that Let It Go never hit #1, consider how insanely omnipresent it was when it came out.

Garfield is a bit like Brandon Routh as Superman. Likable chap who was good in his role as an iconic superhero, but wasn’t done any favors by the stories. It was good to see them both get chances at going back and putting a bit of closure on their tenures.

By the way, Boba’s criminal organization continues to be such a hilariously weird operation. Apparently it is a pretty big city and somekind of an important hub worth a lot of money, yet Boba seems to think that he could run it all with him, his right-hand woman and two muscles. Like no information network, no

1) He’s obviously not dead. This is a superhero TV show and they didn’t show a body. (2) Things were left unresolved so that people would tune in for Echo, a show that Disney probably has to work a little harder to get people to watch since it is not about one of the Avengers. (3) How much of Daredevil remains canon

Eternals for me at least was a film which was significantly better in its second half than the first. Once we got to know the characters and see them in action a bit more it improved.

I liked Eternals too, my only issue was how nondescript the Deviants were.

Eternals is a Marvel movie about a family making an abortion decision. You have your middle of the road waffler in Kingo, your evangelical fascist in Ikaris, etc.. It was the best use of a speedster type hero we’ve yet seen in any superhero movie, and some other relationships we got to see were really quite