
No yeah, she’s definitely still gorgeous and charismatic. But the idea of a super attractive woman falling for a semi-attractive guy who is a bit more professionally ahead of her makes more sense than the Knocked Up (and this movie) situation of super attractive woman falling for a sorta-attractive guy who is

Surprised no one has mentioned Almost Famous yet. Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s speech about the importance of being “uncool” got me through some tough times in high school and college.

Yeah, that was the example I thought of as well. Even with Mila Kunis’s character, she kind of thinks he’s an awkward joke until she seems him perform. He does a legitimately impressive thing to win her back, and she’s like, a college dropout, so not super impressive herself. 

The classic cult classic holiday.

No, it obviously isn’t a cult classic in the textbook definition.

It is a cult classic in the sense that a cult has developed surrounding it. Liking the Office is a personality for a lot of people.

Glad Ramy got renewed. Binged it this past weekend and absolutely loved it. We need more thoughtful shows like it.

Per an interview with the film’s writers on New York Times, they were originally planning on ending Infinity War with this scene to show the extent of the snap, but realized it was a bit too far removed from the other goings-on. I think it was definitely the right choice and can’t think of a better way to start

I kind of disagree. Ramy isn’t as talented of an actor as a lot of his supporting cast, and he isn’t as funny. But he has a very zen, mellow energy that I find charming and endearing.

Maybe I’m insensitive, but I felt that they showed too much mourning for Natasha. After having shown Nebula sneaking into the base, I was much more afraid that her sacrifice would be in vain (which like, yeah, it obviously wouldn’t but that’s the tension of the scene) than if she wouldn’t be mourned properly. They’re

Yeah, the hammer definitely had the biggest reaction in my theater, rightfully so.

I was getting more Clint Eastwood-y vibes.

He very much could have either had a new one made before leaving, or, during his life with Agent Carter, also had a new one made.

I think the implication is that Spider-man’s friend was also snapped.

He has America’s shield, but does he have America’s ass?

I do think that it makes some difference when there is really good word of mouth behind it. That’s part of why Black Panther was able to have such a huge weekend. Reviews dropped a week and a half before so people could try to convince their friends who don’t like superhero movies into seeing it.

It made over $100 million in Japan and over $75 million in South Korea, which is insane to me. I can’t think of a non-action movie that has come close to that kind of gross since Titanic, but even that movie is special effects heavy.

I guess I just see The Green Book as being just as likely to be someone’s last pick as other films, especially for someone who likes the Favourite or BlacKKKlansman.

This doesn’t make sense, though. If we’re dividing the voting blocs into new members and the old guard, why wouldn’t the new members have Green Book as one of their last choices? Were there a lot of people that loved BlacKKKLansman and the Favourite and also quite liked Green Book? I guess maybe Vice and Bohemian

Yeah, what are the unfortunate implications of the historical inaccuracies in The Social Network? That a guy whose public persona is “awkwardly nice guy” is seen by some as “awkwardly nice guy who has aspergers and can be kind of mean”? The historical inaccuracies in a film like The Green Book, or The Greatest Showman