
I agree that Annihilation is a great and underlooked film, but I think its lower budget and weirder subject matter gave it less pressure than Ghostbusters had or Ocean’s 8 has now. Annihilation was never going to be a blockbuster or start a revolution

Yeah, I’m in no rush. I have just pretty much decided to sit out this generation of games, essentially, mostly because of my work/school/social schedule. I just rarely have the large blocks of free time and money necessary to play through the games I would want to, but I also haven’t seen too many games this

Well, I guess I have to get a PS4.

I like the cast, but can’t say I’m too excited for the sequel. What I liked about the first It was the fun ‘80s coming of age vibe, and this seems likely to trade that for more standard horror fare.

Oh Nathan. You beautiful, beautiful man.

She also probably grew up watching Truman and was a big fan. I assume she started out with a very one-sided interest in him that gradually decayed because their relationship was built on a gigantic lie.

Speaking of Thor, why did he wait so long to actually fly over to fight Thanos? Every other Avenger got their shot on Thanos in Wakanda, but the one with the best shot at defeating him waited until he had already gotten Vision’s Infinity Stone?

Unlike Sonic the Hedgehog, I think this movie is still genuinely cool. It’s amazing how seeing the film today, it is both obviously a film made in the ‘90s but its coolness has not diminished one bit. I think only Quentin Tarantino’s films from the era can make similar claims.

Oh, so it’s Bright, but with actual thought put into it.

I like the idea of just pretending the prequels don’t exist.. I don’t think they added anything good, or even necessary to the overall Star Wars universe that wasn’t explained in the original trilogy. On the other hand, their depictions of Anakin Skywalker, Boba Fett, the force, and even the jedi council make those

I liked it. I thought it was fine. Some things bugged me, others I liked. I thought it was visually very interesting and I liked the new supporting characters, as well as how they did Chewie and Lando. Ehrenrich as Han was good, but I think they made his character a bit doofier and less cynical than he is in the

Yeah, the animated series interest me, but the art style is not my favorite, and it’s hard enough for me to get through series with just a couple seasons, let alone one like Rebels, that has 5 seasons.

It seems like they do flesh out his character quite a bit in Clone Wars and Rebels, but I haven’t seen those series, and, for as ridiculous as I think it is to expect someone to watch a movie that came out nearly twenty years ago to understand or care at all about the big reveal in a movie, I think it’s even worse to

This twist really, really bugged me. Darth Maul is a cool character design, but, as he is established in Episode One, he—like basically all characters in the prequels—has absolutely no personality. His defining attribute is “evil.” I really liked how The Last Jedi fought against the idea that everything has to be

“Y’know, I was on the fence about seeing this movie that everyone has seen and told me to watch over the past 4 months, but seeing that scene of robot Trevor Noah talking to that Hobbit really rubbed me the wrong way.”

Oh yeah, ‘cause nothing will shed the old fan base like making a movie about a character that only the old fan base cares about.

Well, I think the movie is a bad idea, but I trust Phil Lord and Chris Miller and think that they’ll do something good with something so creatively bankrupt.

Spider-man: Sadie Hawkins

They told that joke by having a Dick Wolf style poster followed by basically a recut of Don’t Think Twice. Which makes the joke like, not land at all because a movie that was basically the same thing was actually really good, so it doesn’t come off as ridiculous parody.

No, if you watch the scene, when Quill starts punching Thanos, Tony drops the glove to try to stop Quill, so it’s just left with Spidey pulling off the gauntlet. If Tony would have just stayed with Spidey, he would have been able to pull off the gauntlet. I don’t think it’s an entirely intentional thing in the movie,