Sam G.

See, there you go! I learned more from that than I did from the article. I’m not trying to argue that the game is good. I’m just saying that y’know, maybe 2 hours isn’t enough time to judge a game on— even for a preview. I think the biggest problem I have is that is seems as if, unlike your experience with the game,


Even if that’s true, why write a review in that case? Throw a post up that says “LOL FEE TO PAY OMG DLC FREEMIUM IS EVIL” and explain that marketing like this isn’t good. People will eat it up.

You, uh, you didn’t just post a review of a game you only spent 2 hours playing, right? Please tell me that’s not what this is. Because if that’s what this is, it’s a bad fucking joke.

Maybe it’s a carrier thing. I normally fly Delta, and honestly, I can’t really remember ever being delayed more than a few minutes, or really waiting that long in line for security.

Really? Jeez. I might just be lucky.

“in 2002”

Wait, has anybody actually BEEN to O’Hare who is trashing it? It generally beats the pants off of Midway, and security is always more or less a breeze even on holiday weekends.

Oh god, I just remembered that one time when I was like 12 where I poured myself a bowl of corn flakes and dipped them in Country Crock butter like they were miniature Fritos Scoops and the butter was something that is acceptable to dip something into

why would you want us to know that about you

i made and ate a frozen red baron pizza covered in pepperoni, bacon, doritos jacked (tm) brand ranch dipped hot wing chips, two cans of PBR, a copy of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and sriracha sauce

on more than one occasion i have purchased, taken home, and consumed bags of Andy Capp's Hot Fries

TIL I don't really know what the fuck the words "stock" or "broth" like, actually mean

Just as a sidenote, HOMEMADE bone broth is a cheap and good and tasty thing. So long as you use it for soup or ramen in place of other stocks or broths and don't just drink it plain like some sort of dingus.

adopt a dog

The only reason I don't make my bed is because the way my room is laid out, it's completely up against the wall. So, to properly make it, I literally have to lift the mattress up and get the sheets under there. It's a pain.

Still not as bad as someone who cannot appreciate the savory-sweet nirvana of fresh pineapple on pizza.

Oh shit wait they didn't cancel the charges? that's actually pretty different though

step 1: get a free $15 gift card from target

Gawker Media Writers I Would Trust To Order Pizza For Me, Ranked