Sam G.

yo blastoise is absolutely not a hippo

but I wasn't done arguing about which pokemon would be the best strong safety though

you guys are all so wrong I can't believe it

dude i'd rather have that than have to eat cool ranch doritos

worse than hitler

how does it feel to be literally worse than hitler

The fact that hint of lime lost in the first round is a tragedy akin to the hindenburg explosion

Washed out empty Simply Orange jug

Washed out empty Simply Orange jug

I don't work in design, so I wasn't aware that Cooper is such a popular font, I guess. I don't really see it around that often (or if I do, I don't recognize it). Makes sense, though.

The fonts are all really nice, but it seems odd to me that they'd suggest replacing Cooper, an obviously 70's-inspired, bubbly and fat font with something more blocky and (yeah, I'll say it) boring. They have completely different feels, and I can't really think of any scenarios where the other font would do an

literally worse than hitler

thats fine b/c why the fuck would anybody ever spend money buying a tootsie roll

s'mores candy corn tastes like someone put sand in a tootsie roll

I made this argument to my roommate, who is a terrible person that likes candy corn. He was indignant, and bought me "apple pie" flavored candy corn to try because he thought I'd like it since it "doesn't taste like candy corn"

Harsh, bro

dude you're just so wrong

Saying Steve Harvey is a better host than Richard Dawson is a STRONG FUCKING TAKE

this might be the perfect okcupid profile

these vines are all good but dat backflip doe

Early Christmas party, 2013.

Christmas music, lots of baked goods, a big ol' pot of spiced butter cider with rum, and a bunch of friends in sweaters. It was awesome, and chill for the most part. The party wound down around midnight and most of my buddies left, except for a couple of my closer friends who wanted to keep