Sam G.

I didn't say any of what you seem to think I said. Feedback is important. But in the article, Jason says that the service seems obsolete and generally takes the tone of someone describing a failed product. This product isn't out yet. So yeah, voice your displeasure, especially since the prices *ARE* way too high—

Perfect example of the fact that a game doesn't have to be good to be great.

I feel like you're jumping the gun a bit here. It's still in beta. I think that's too early to declare the project obsolete. Plus, I've gotten PLENTY of enjoyment out of my free Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard rental during the early days of the beta THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Quick note— the picture displayed for the Theatrhythm game is for the Collector's edition, not the Limited Edition being advertised. The limited edition comes with a 5-track remix CD, not any of that other fancy stuff.

I feel like this is an idiot question, but is there any research you've found as to why strikeouts are more common now? Are pitchers getting faster and more accurate? Are batters getting worse? It'd be cool to see what caused the trend.

I realize that hiding/promoting writers in this way could be dicey, and isn't really a reflection on the writer's skill as much as it is personal preference, so if something like this is implemented, it should probably be private, even to the site admins.

There would be tabbed columns that differentiate different types of content (liveblogs, op-eds, analysis, etc)

I'd have the ability to subscribe to your favorite team or teams

There'd be a curated, smart front page that prioritizes teams, players, and sports that you care about

I'd have the ability to hide teams,

I guess I just figured B would be met with reactions of "Oh yeah, we all figured that anyway".

Really? I'd think you guys would have the Jeter story higher than both Hernandez and Simmons.


Really? Most review sites have it pegged at a solid 8/10, with some minor gripes— not the least of all being "they said it was GTA V and it's not". I haven't played it yet, but it seems like it's a pretty great game if you're able to separate it both from GTA V and the hype machine.

They're making a new Shaq-Fu. Thoughts?

Here's hoping.

How long, realistically, do you think it will take for an openly gay player playing in the NFL to become, like, not a big deal?

Maybe I'm more optimistic than you. But I followed Shaq through his entire career. He may have a big ego, but you can google peoples' experiences meeting him, and they have all said that he's a generally great guy. He doesn't take himself seriously, he never has.

I still don't understand why you're setting up this dichotomy here. The fact that people funded the new Shaq-Fu doesn't have anything to do with the fact that other crowdsourcing campaigns failed. Keep in mind, even though Shaq is involved in this project, it's staffed by a new team, with new people, trying to put

How can you say that Cult County, a game made by a successful developer, deserves more money than a game made by a new team of developers? Plus, this kind of situation isn't an either-or scenario. I'm sure plenty of people donated to both of these campaigns.

They address this in many of the videos. They wanted to make sure people wanted the game, and some of the perks were actually pretty good.

how DARE people enjoy things

Your list is pretty great, but you made a glaring typo by misspelling Mr. Satan/Hercule "Vegeta". Understandable mistake.