Sam G.

I had three ideas for this: Lemon-Cucumber, Almond Butter, and Candy Bacon. Are these terrible ideas, or the BEST terrible ideas?

Oh, no worries, man! Like I said, I really liked the article, and found it very informative. I just didn't think the title matched the tone.

I really liked the article, but man, I have to say, that's a really bad title. It sounds like a the title of a 5th grade history paper.

If this comes through, it's gonna be the best $150 I've ever spent. If not, at least some of the proceeds are going to charity.

/notices King and Zynga trademarking words

Thanks for the answer! And for not calling me out for calling you a corner when you're actually a safety!

Are you kind of peeved that everyone assumed you were gay, or at least closeted, after the reports from your assistant? It seems like the media kind of jumped on that story quickly and the narrative became one of a talented corner being blacklisted because he's gay, regardless of your comments on the subject.

Maybe you should consider spelling the guy's name right.

Dunno, man. To me it looks like the guard was trying to catch him.


Yeah, no. He definitely fell down on his own.

welp I'm off to check this post's metacritic score

I was going to respond, but then your #1 and #2 were the same as mine.

I can understand the fact that it's a depressing movie.

Best turkey/beer pairings for dark or white meat?

Hell, it happens all the time. And to be frank, it's pretty easy to forget those when you know, the stretch between Sonic Heroes and '09 was so dark.

Wait, that's my point though. The recent track record of main sonic games is fucking stellar. The last bad sonic game came out in what, like '09?

Oh shit, you're right. My bad. Sorry— I'll stop enjoying things that previously gave me pleasure now.

Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, and Sonic 4 would like a word with you.