Sam G.

Here's one I'm guilty of. Being afraid of parking garages. I see myself as a good, careful driver, but I'm terrified of multi-level parking garages. So many blind corners, so many cars coming from each direction, so many Lexuses that cost more than I'll make all year parked in ways that invite scuffing. So many

Just to put this out there, maybe an announcement isn't being made because they can't make one yet? PR firms have this stuff like, under lock and key until announcements are planned. Most likely, if the Nextbox won't require an always online connection, they can't announce that until they release the specs.

Wait, like the Fatboy Slim song? That sounds fun.

Homie, it's not about violence. Pro Wrestling is safe, albeit humiliating, entertaining, and over the top. It's a satisfying ILLUSION of violence, without any actual harm occurring to anyone.


Well yeah, that's why I elaborated later. It's more of a positive, creative thing, yeah?


it's everything i've always wanted


I mean, if I had my choice, I'd drop em from the turnbuckle a la Macho Man, then Irish whip them into a Hulk Hogan big boot, or a Ric Flair chest slap.

I heard you get to make out with an Italian supermodel if you buy a Fiat 500 Abarth.

time to go home you guys.

oh whoa. that's brilliant.

You are saying this to a man who has started Oppo threads such as "Cars with Eyebrows" and "More Cars with Eyebrows". I'm honored.

Oh, no doubt. I just, you know, the beating wouldn't be the point. It'd be a creative, positive endeavor for the folks on this fine website.

Yeah, just let me know. To be clear, I don't really want to threaten violence per se (eye for an eye makes the world blind and all that- plus, I'm sure enough people will be out for their blood once they're found)- everything would be safe and legal.

Hey Torch. I'm fairly new around here, and I'm going to be honest with you. Compared to most of the active folks on the site, I don't know much about cars. I can't tell a car's model year by looking at it. I get Jettas and Passats confused. I don't know how to drive stick (though I plan on buying my first car

Yeah. That's the latest lesson I've learned. It's just hanging out with someone you dig. And maybe some other stuff. No pressure.

Hahaha, I don't think that's the problem- I don't usually slobber all over myself when kissing happens- it's not like, we kiss, then she's like KAY BYE. Usually.

Good thought- I usually try and do that, but wintertime in Chicago makes it tough. Now that it's nicer, the Marina is, you know, inhabitable, and the park nearby is beautiful again.

also i'm 23