Jack Black.
Jack Black.
Your statement is only true if you say the same about Mel fucking Gibson. There is so many pro-religion movies that irk me in how naive they are. They don't offend, because that is a benefit of the lack of a belief system. However, you shouldn't tell people not to make movies with certain message... because Gervais…
The first 3 Tomb Raider games were written by a woman - Vicky Arnold. She says interesting things about Lara's story that isn't told in the game and make Lara a much more interesting character. In the game she is extremely clever, independent, capable, athletic and accurate. There are games that pull off the sex…
Am I the only secure person on the internet who thinks that neither is gross? Like, Lara - fine. Any shirtless man character with biceps bigger than their heads - fine. It's not gross. It's... fine. We actually have reached variety, so anyone still bitching is an idiot.
There are two games that have never been successfully cracked. HAWX2 (I think) and Diablo III. Now, Diablo III hasn't been cracked because it works like an online game, which is also what leads to the lag in singleplayer. People are emulating the servers already, it is only a matter of time until they finish them and…
I wonder how do they know how much violence is my hypothetical kid exposed to? It's good that they are saying "kids should be exposed to less violence", which translates into "be a good parent ffs", not "don't make violent games". I like that change in tone.
I feel sorry for you. They should have never done that to you. You deserve to have grown to be insufferable douche, like everyone else. *compassionate hugs*
I want to see the cat walk around in this armor.
But it's not about you. It's about people who don't have it on PC, or haven't played it yet. It is just making the game more available, which is a good thing.
I was about to correct you with Quake, then I remembered 10 years ago was 2004, not 1999 -_-
Because there is no game yet, but they need to hype.
Forcing them to do homework is teaching them responsibility - the place you attend asked you to do something and you have to do it. It is your responsibility. A child has no concept of responsibility otherwise, because should they do something, their parents have to take responsibility. Same is with doing chores.
Why do most of them have such douchey names? CYBERPOWERPC... sounds like something out of a bad 80s movie.
FF's current style is just sophisticated old style. Lightning's face is not realistic, it is heavily stylized. If you want more stylized games, you should be excited about this, dude. First of all, it gives developers more options. But that's not it. Publishers demand realistic graphics because they are harder to pull…
CoD's yearly releases and Activision's refusal to let one CoD settle the way Team Fortress has, has nothing to do with CoD's art style. It has to do with Activision wanting to make more money - they make mediocre game, that doesn't stand a chance against real competitive shooters, and instead of providing continued…
Visual style should be the choice of the makers of the game and it should fit the game. Bulletstorm and The Witcher 2 (not the first tho), have very interesting take on realism, where they have just made it extremely colourful. Those games would stink if they were stylized or cartoony. Painkiller would stink. Gears of…
Judgemental cunt. Just sit back and enjoy the craftsmanship here.
I don't tell them what they're offended by. I'm telling them that them being offended is irrelevant to me. My point is that your opinion in the sphere you worked in will be rooted in more knowledge, it will be more valuable and valid, than a mere consumer's, because you will have some empathy for the process that…
Nah... as a consumer of art, your opinion can only be comparative. You can't demand certain thing to be better. You can't say I want games to be better. If you want that - then go make better. No. You can say "I want games to be as good as X". Because you have no idea what goes into making a game, let alone what went…