Robot Panda

Yeah, man I totally get you. I want my 6 years old to be as naked as they can. 6-years in thong and high boots is what I live for.

Well, no. You don't get to hold artists to standards. Artists define the standards, not you. Unless you're an artist. In which case, you're allowed to hold others up to a standard. But if you're a mere consumer, you eat or don't eat what you're given and shut the fuck up. Because if you never spent 50 hours working on

Well, and then the guy who offended you has every right to call you a pussy and tell you to grow the fuck up, you're an adult.

That is not the problem, really. Because to offended people, being offended is not their problem. That is your problem for offending them. They would often say things like "you shouldn't be allowed to say [the thing I find offensive]". They make rallies, they take people's livelihoods away. They aren't like "Oh, this

Now playing

True. But it doesn't stop there. The critique is open to criticism. Often, critique of the topic of art can be shattered with a well thought counter-critique. However, this society has no idea that counter-critique exists. They thing that their critique is the end of things, that once they state their opinion, they

I just want to toss in the idea that your ideals only matter in your country (assuming you're an American, but I may be wrong). Because you don't know the historical background of people. There are black people in America who have nothing to do with slavery. There is this prejudice, that black people oh slavery, let's

There is nothing that is funny or entertaining that isn't offensive to some person. Let's quote Louis CK on the Opie and Anthony Show then:

Yes. The response is still "So fucking what?". If one is offended, chances are they are at least in their upper teens. We should expect people reaching their twenties to be adults. Being an adult means having at least slightly thick skin. If your argument has no substance, and it is simply "that thing in whatever

None of what you said is really a problem, though. Grinding the same area may be boring to you, but that doesn't mean it is a problem with MMOs. You may also dislike the first person perspective, that doesn't mean there is a problem with FPS games. To many, the excitement comes from the progress. You have to tell me

You have to play MMOs to understand them. Now, I am a huge fan of traditional MMOs. I like newer things, especially since new MMOs can be played casually, along with a hardcore game. The point is this - there is a set of content, which we will call "current content". For the most part it consists of a bunch of

I hate this article. It could have been only half as long and made more sense. I couldn't even read through it. The ego of this dude puts me off. Everything is said with 2-3 times more words than it should be, for the sake of ego inflation. I could cut the guy some slack if he wasn't American, but he feels important

No, it's not. It is normal to lose interest in a game once you've beaten all content it has to offer a few hundred times. There are games that don't need new content added constantly - DOTA, LoL, Counter-Strike... competitive games, that don't have an aspect other than competition. Google EVE Online expansions. That

Some of the points you make make no sense at all. When it comes to MMOs, consoles are irrelevant. MMOs are still a PC thing. The point I was on to is that the original poster suggested that a Pokemon MMO would be the end of all MMOs, which is simply untrue.

MMOs will not change any time soon. The formula of releasing

A good Pokemon MMO may beat WoW alone. But it will not beat high-fantasy MMOs. Considering how most fantasy (and actually, all genres of MMOs) have some free2play option, just because they can't compete as subscription games against WoW and they don't want to go the GuildWars way, because they don't monetize the game

When I said that under some old Gizmodo article about fiber cables or something, the comments were generally MURICA AND FUCK YOUR COUNTRY! where we pay only half as much. I mean, we pay 10 times less, don't get me wrong, but if you take into account yearly wages here, and how much lower they are than in the US, then

You can't imagine how many people will never play a Pokemon game. It is huge, but burly orcs and fantasy is huger.

That is what textbook asshole is. I mean you. The guy and his team raised $10 million in charity that is actually more helpful than most things most other charities or people. But oh no the guy is famous, therefore he must do it 'for the money' and what he does is not a selfless act, he's not dying for these people

I need to make something clear - in no way am I saying that school shootings are good. I'm saying that people are disgusting and would abuse every single option they have to achieve whatever goal they have set before them. The news and mainstream media abuses tragedy for ratings, gun nuts abuse tragedy to say