
See, that isn’t actually nitpicking though.

Too bad Marchman wasn’t alive to see this. 

Can’t help but notice the King of Cereals is missing from this list...

People who love cooking are really bad at imagining there are people who don’t love cooking.

I’m an old guy who grew up watching Jim Crockett Promotions (among other promotions). I don’t watch WWE, and only vaguely follow goings on via reading stuff here and hearing stuff from my nephew. I hate McMahon with a passion and I hate WWE in general. I hear NXT’s product is good, but I boycott it on principle. I got

I get hating the Cardinals. I really do.

Any comments on the braves doing the tomahawk chop while the Cardinals Cherokee pitcher was in?

It’s funny how Wheat Chex is awful to eat as cereal but the absolute best of the three when transmogrified into Chex Mix. It’s tight wheat weave allows it to absorb all the butter and assorted spices and hold them inside, unlike the Corn and Rice Chex, which only get a surface glazing that, while tasty, doesn’t carry

I like that basically every Jamboroo now begins with a lengthy screed on why football is fucking awful.

This might be the first time in recorded history the Lions fans actually have legitimate reason to be pissed about an insult thrown at their team.

This is awesome.

Counterpoint: the 2nd wildcard sucks and the Brewers should have been home already sitting 4 games behind the Nats.

I prefer Bill or Billy or Mac or Buddy

I will die upon the Hill of Dude. I am a man who came of age in the 80's when Dudes were Dudes and Bro’s had not yet harshed our Dudeness. A Dude is a man of relaxed character and mellow disposition, The Dude was called so for a reason.

Her placenta falls to the floor

Honestly, I think most football fans don’t want an answer like Watson’s. They either want performative emotion — “I doesn’t what coverage they’re in, we gotta goddam play better!” — and/or some boring sound-bite sports cliche that they can nod their head to.

I checked all the porn this weekend, did not see him.

recently caught part of a red sox blue jays game and saw that the jays were fielding a guerrero, a bichette, and a biggio. its was a real who’s who of offspring of players from when i gave a shit about baseball. 

Or my age and watching their kids play.

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