
I wanted to find it funny, but for some reason just...didn’t. I’m glad they took the shot, though. The more shots, the more chances SOMETHING hits.

A Pizza Hut was my first waiter job twenty something years ago. I remember when we weighed kids to determine the price of their buffet ticket. I was a waif-thin 16 year old, and it felt so weird when a hefty kid would be mortally embarrassed at the bizarre rule. It was completely nonsensical, anyway - I saw so many

Responding to everyone that replied. It is entirely possible to dislike a MIL without being disrespectful. I had a rather difficult MIL in my past and I found a way to be respectful and create boundaries. I didn’t particularly care for Madison, Hannah Ann, or even Barbara but this complete trashing of Barb is unkind

She also kept reiterating that she doesn’t want her son “to change,” which is exactly like saying she doesn’t want him to grow, which seems like a strange way to parent your adult son.

Is there an underlying reality here that Barb is fearful of Madi’s “values”as an Evangelical- i.e. doesn’t want her son to marry someone who potentially isn’t pro-choice, doesn’t support gay marriage, etc- and chose to not politicize this show, purposefully keeping her negative feedback very vague? Or am I giving Barb

this isn’t about y-o-u

And they didn’t even show it, which was the probably the rudest thing.

That’s what we’re all upset about right?

You can! But why would you?

It’s not often that the creator of something is wrong about his own creation.

This was absolutely an A show. Not a bad sketch in the bunch and Driver was absolutely 100% committed and hilarious throughout. (When was the last time the host was in every single sketch, including the cold open?)
Giving this the same grade as the J-Lo episode (where literally 75% of the sketches were variations on,

I think you’re misunderstanding what they mean.

Drudge Simulator is my Star Wars name.

“Toasted vs. untoasted is not an argument had by most native New Yorkers.”

They should listen to Drew and do the dark meat sandwich. 

Reading comprehension died a long and slow death, but it took its last gasp on December 19th, 2019, 11:37am when Stiegosaurus misconstrued the meaning of “surprise” to mean “important highlights in the entire industry.” Reading comprehension is survived by its son, skimming the article, and grandchildren, tl;dr and

I’ve done dumber things for money. Let the guy make a living.

Starting to feel like a lot of people owe Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip an apology, since those characters’ insane self-important attitude toward their show seems to be exactly what people are looking for these days from SNL.

The institutional problem with SNL is not the issue of a live show and guest hosts. Late night shows pump out similar amounts of humor involving topical stuff on incredibly tight deadlines using guest bits. Colbert or Conan is not the same as SNL, of course, but the institutional challenges of putting out their shows

I don’t know, I kind of feel like people should buy as much R. Kelly stuff as possible, so his victims can sue it out of him.

‘Hoops’ was cute but it just reminded me of how much I missed Cecily and Vanessa Bayer’s ‘porno girls’ sketch, though this was more like that sketch distilled through the ‘chandelier’ sketch filter