
“Vice President, what are your feelings on reparations?”
“Triple money to schools! I was married to a dead teacher! Black parents need to be shown how to put a record player on at night so their kids hear more words.”
Centrist third way: That’s MY President. 

Once again, Burneko is showing he’s just another leftist who is against any mentally unfit politician who had a disgusting political and social record well before his mental instability became evident.

I’ve always liked the Funbag. But it’s getting harder and harder, thanks to the conflicts involved. And you’re not helping Drew, with an article like this. It’s something that needs to be told, but knowing what it’s doing to people during the game, after the game, and YEARS later - does this mean the game needs to go?

“You always call me boy,” he complained. “I’m gonna call you MAN. Hello there, MAN.” Then he started laughing. I still made him empty the dishwasher.

Up until about 2008 (I think, might have been 2009) you could literally walk up to the trainer before a game and get a shot of Toradol (aka Vitamin T) just by asking for it. Didn’t need a prescription, a medical diagnosis, nothing more than “Hey, I need some Toradol.” Usually a line of 20-30 guys before each game.

It’s one of the drugs that doctors fed into my IV to help induce a coma after I underwent emergency brain surgery last December.

Every article I read about the NFL makes me want to turn the games off and find a way to help former players who are now suffering and this certainly adds to that feeling. That said, it’s awfully jarring to go from “The NFL doesn’t want you to realize how it’s fucking over it’s players, whom they look at as disposable

Dear Mr. Smith:

Seeing Frank Ntilikina do well on a large stage against good NBA players you almost get the idea the NBA team he plays for who somehow hasn’t been able to coax those kind of performances out of him doesn’t know what they are doing.

Damn, I already sent in $5000 for the “VIP ALIEN CABANAS” 

I find myself to be a little more tolerant of people using “we” when they’re referring to a college team at a school they attended. “We” seems appropriate in that sense.

It’s quite common in butt rock circles

I don’t like to blame everything on the Internet, but...

There’s this thing people sometimes do when they’re sitting in a room with one another where they operate with the assumption that people ARE NOT bad actors. For example, in this case, if you and me and “Deadspin” were sitting in a room, you might hear

I like the Grandpa stories in general and wouldn't say no to more than one of them.

This is truly one of the weirdest comments I’ve ever read in a WYTS. Your team is a game away from the Super Bowl and the old lady thinks it’s disrespectful to peek at your phone?  And you obliged?

Funny, Jeremy Renner’s Hennessy and Jeep commercials made me want to combine my passions for cognac and trucks and also overpasses.

Easiest $1,122,472 he’ll ever make.  

Might as well change his name; it’s not like he responds to it anyway.

As evil as Steinbrenner was, he always wanted to win and destroyed many lives and wasted tons of his money to try and do so. I respected that from him.

Ta-Nehisi Coates once described that the way he pulled back from football was the realization that Jerry Jones doesn’t actually care about winning.