
I am genuinely fascinated by the number of helmets your lifestyle requires, both professionally and recreationally.

i will always star (door flies open).  A man has to have a code.

(door flies open)

How far can you punt a field goal?

Look at Mr. Security Expert over here

The mustachioed gentlemen to Wesley Snipes’ right was wrongfully ignored by the 1989 Academy Awards’ Best Supporting Actor category.

Also, fuck this and all other teams claiming places they don’t play in for their team names. Looking at you, Maryland NFL Franchise, East Rutherford Giants and Jets, Santa Clara 49ers, Arlington Cowboys, Anaheim Angels and so on and so forth.

One of their safeties got charged with assault. In a nice change of pace, he was charged of beating someone WITH his girlfriend, and not beating the girlfriend.

It will never not blow my mind that after winning a Premier League title that should have elevated him to lifetime god status with Leicester City, Claudio Ranieri was sacked 9 months later.

Not a joke, I had to check this on Google. If you asked me about the Falcons before this moment I would have told you they were a 2002 expansion team.

Falcons have always struck me as a franchise with just no identity. It’s hard to believe this team has existed for 55 years, because they seem to have barely left a mark. Their lasting contributions to history are Deion Sanders, Michael Vick,the Dirty Bird (hey guys, remember the Dirty Bird?) and 28-3. 

I’m always wary of global warming and then I remember that it’s likely going to wipe out the barren South Florida hellscape of frightened white people who live in gated communities and drive luxury cars 10 miles a day to eat at chain restaurants and buy Yellowtail chardonnay at Publix, and then I feel somewhat better.

Love to write shitty Penthouse Forum letters about my sex life that also mention superfluously that I went to Harvard.

I think a “chunkier Reese Witherspoon” is called a Reese’s Witherspoon.

> That a good enough reason for ya?

You’re not. If you want to play a PS4 exclusive, you need a PS4. If you want to play a Switch exclusive, you need a Switch. If you want to eat a BK burger, you have to go to a BK, you can’t eat it on a McDonald’s.

I’ve tried. They bitch and moan about friends lists, or other features of steam they think are important. And i’m over here, like you, wondering what the big deal is.

I’m just here for the comments where someone tries to defend NOT installing a free client that doesn’t effect them in the least, and how I’m the idiot for not seeing “the truth”.

“Team chemistry" indicated that you'd be playing against a bunch of nerds

If the next one isn’t called “Fast 10 Your Seatbelts”, then there is no justice.