
Wizard Cat gives this writer: Five Wands

well, why the fuck not? Life is hard, and then you die. 

Tough to tell. I do have a hunch that:

I love red meat, the Dallas Cowboys, flying on airplanes, playing golf, have cats and dogs, and I drive a truck.”

It’s always tough to tell, with the anonymity the internet provides, but I’m starting to suspect that Elisabeth Maria and Elisabeth Maria are the same person.

counterpoint: fuck the cubs

Lead off hitter probably started off as a smart way to hide your weak hitter who still got on base. Then it became an unwritten rule that you must have a light hitting fellow up top. And instead of teams hiding a hitter there, teams had to go out and find someone specifically who didn’t hit for power. And no one dared

Pope Thrower for Public Editor

Being a dad two two kids and seeing my wife’s journey into morherhood, I can tell you it’s less tender and intimate than me downing a Big Mac.

Yep, sure is. But if you’re offended by something innocuous that you’re seeing, you probably shouldn’t watch it.

but that should be kept in a private environment and not for the world to see

COUNTERPOINT: Nah, it’s fine, actually. Don’t stare at it, like a creep, and I promise you’ll be okay.

It *can* be tender and intimate, but it is also often a painful, messy, frustrating, utilitarian endeavor that has to happen whether Mom feels up to it or not.

Shoutout to Del for the worst London burn in 350 years. 

but that should be kept in a private environment”

I don’t normally watch Twitch, but isn’t there usually a button you as a viewer can press that exits out of the stream if you find that you no longer want to watch the content? My internet browser (Firefox) even has a ‘close tab’ button so you don’t have to exit out of your other windows. Crazy how easy that is.

That “Hamilton Nolan” fan sure does seem down on the team’s prospects. Also, please keep the “politics” out of the sports!

Should have caulked the wagon.

MLB docked them 2 runs for their unwritten rules violations

As a Pirates fan, yes, the Pirates booth is an embarrassment, but, frankly, wouldn’t you be testy if you were Greg Brown?

Gase improved the Dolphins twice: when he got fired, and when he joined the Jets.