
This new DEFENSIVE mode might just bring me back. The truth is, I deal with assholes every day in life already. Don’t want to invite them into my home. I just want an extended singe-player experience in the RDR2 world if I’m being honest. I know R* will never go back to those days though. Single Player Expansions are

In addition to what others said, the European Cups are essentially a whole parallel season, so it’s not exactly playoffs. It doesn’t have that playoff feel until the late stages of the knockouts. And I’d say qualifying for Europe is more like a consolation for not winning your domestic league.

A lot of these jabrones are run of the mill contrarians that don’t have any true belief system more expansive than the vague notion of being aggrieved.   Gamergaters in particular was born from an anti-meaning cause, almost a modern nihilism.

I promise the Pope has 100% of his tweets edited and redone. He probably has a bot for that shit.
“You fuckin kidding me?! Dannys a fucking monster warcriminal?!> How coud they destroy my sweet Khalesia like this!> *gun to head emoji*”
*Hits Enter*
“Every day under the lord’s watch is a new chance to enact his will and

Every time Drew tweets, I think to myself, I can say anything to that mother fucker and he’s gonna get all excited that he has a new reply, but guess what, it’s me tellin him to pack rocks in his ass cause he’s trash.

I remember finishing Feast for Crows back in 2006 and in the back of the book it said to look for Dance of Dragons coming in February of 2007. I was so excited back then. Five years later it finally came out. In 2011. It is now 2019. At this point I’m not sure if I’m even waiting for the books to be completed because

Get it out.* Save your shorts next time

I mean, it could be run more effectively. Just announcing and holding to a schedule for each round might help, and if it didn’t last six weeks — even better!

Pope Thrower was always the ultimate Cute Story candidate.  Never stood a chance.

it’s over quickly: Jizyah Shorts

I have a feeling there’s more to the Clegane brothers (not yet explained in the books or show) that we’re not seeing here. They hinted at it the last time they met and the Hound said “you know who’s coming for you, you’ve always known.” I think the Hound has always known he was to kill his brother. And at this point

No one ever said Arya should stop murder cold turkey, more like she should slow down, maybe look into some lighter murders, and eventually find a way to have a full life in addition to the murder.

Thing that is possible: Spurs finish fourth and also runner-up in Champions League, ending the season with zero trophies.

Arsenal fan here. Just want to preemptively state that regardless of Europa and Champions League outcomes, Tottenham have had the better season—unless they somehow squander the +8 goal differential that they have going into the final weekend.

And not one member of those state commissions is a horse.


but.... everyone in the North wears the ♫ boots with the furrrr (the fur) ♫

But then the whole club would be lookin, and he’s just an extra.

Listening to ska helps.

where a guy in some apple bottom jeans and what could be a Patagonia jacket just saunters through the grounds of Winterfell