
Right. Also, the stark division down ethic lines of who’s going and who isn’t can’t be good for team unity. Your teammates are essentially saying, “Yes I know he hates people who look like you BUT [my autograph / my photo-op / I don’t really care about you].” That’s how you build a great clubhouse environment!

I thought the same thing watching it live, then had it confirmed after watching the replay for 5 minutes. He had his back to the goal when Bishop went down and didn’t face that direction until he had already let his shot fly.

What, you actually know how horse racing works? Get out of here with that relevant knowledge and bring me the hot taeks about how replay sucks and is bad.

I’m still salty about Deicide Huxtable not making the cut. 

“The Dutch Boys”?

“Young Dutch Masters” might have worked better.

The fact that the crowd started a “ref you suck” chant after that first diving sequence is the biggest argument for pulling hockey back out of Texas

Dothraki aren’t exactly predisposed to tactics. I guess they were hoping they could send them in the first wave and take out more wights than what they’d lose, or just vastly underestimated their numbers.

That said sending your cavalry in from the front was ridiculously stupid. Should only ever do that against an enemy

The battle tactics were pretty terrible. Then again, Jon Snow is also a terrible general as the show has consistently told us (He has yet to win a battle on his own, he’s had to be bailed out each time).

It just seems weird that their plan actually, 100% worked. I was assuming a route at Winterfell, a retreat to either the Iron Islands or the moving castle of the Reeds, some intervention from the Children of Forest, and a lot of bloody sacrifice by the main characters, maybe including actual succeeding in cracking

That’s just how it was back then. You had your scraps during practice, maybe break a few facial bones and what have you, but when you went home, you never took those teammates out of your Myspace top 8. It’s called having honor.

“Unfollowing the team on social media makes you a bad teammate," says man who broke his teammate's jaw in a fistfight at practice.

Counterpoint: We’re talking about the Stanley Cup Playoffs, so it has nothing to do with Canada anyway.

/leads with a list of things you can never do for the rest of your life, like play hockey or watch Star Wars

I mean, the reviewer says like half a dozen times in half a dozen different ways that the game doesn’t offer anything new here. So, if you like AAA Open World Crafting Resource Collecting Skill Tree With Zombies, The Video Game, then you might be fine with this. If you’re bored of that, then no.

The glut of post-apocalyptic fiction in pop culture at large and video games in particular has led to a set of beliefs and tropes that have settled into the bones of these stories: A moral nihilism that posits compassion as weakness, that the ends justify the means, that there is a thin line protecting us from them

I certainly cannot fault anything in this ranking for temporary tributes, but I want to point out that at #16, the Round Rock (TX) Chupacapbras probably qualify as the best candidate on this list for a permanent name change. I’m in no way familiar with any history that the Express name may hold for the team, but

I certainly cannot fault anything in this ranking for temporary tributes, but I want to point out that at #16, the

Hartford Yard Goats becomes the Hartford Chivos and this hat is freaking sweet. 

Hartford Yard Goats becomes the Hartford Chivos and this hat is freaking sweet. 

The Lowriders are easily top ten, and the Vineros should be hit by a car.

The Lowriders are easily top ten, and the Vineros should be hit by a car.

Still stinging over Sharky Laguana’s bullshit win over Deicide Huxtable. Even accepting the terrible way these names were bracketed, this should have been the round to decide which heretical blasphemer got the right to desecrate Alpha Omega Nickleberry III. I would have then accepted the outcome of this round whatever

This is a travesty. Jizyah Shorts owes everything to General Booty.