
Bethesda - Releases a massive open-world game where every knife, fork, and tin can are fully interact-able, physics-enabled objects. It has more bugs than a standard QA team can run down. They eventually fix most of the bugs, and those that they don’t are patched via a fan-made mod.

WB - Releases a great console game

What you don’t like that? I’m really thankful that there are caring individuals out there waiting for BCO to drop so they can let me know when a story is faaaaaaaaake so I don’t end up believing it and eventually elevating it to a diety and worshiping it and going to war for it and eventually breaking off from the

here’s a Bills fan in a lucha libre mask chugging a dick bong while NSYNC plays in the background

The 5 cent burger couple. “Financially Irresponsible” tipping like that, no wonder they are losing their house. And then, they have the audacity to continue to dine out (she waited on them whenver they came in).

The girl that gave those customers free milkshakes every time they came in because they were nice and tipped her during the recession. Those aren’t your milkshakes to be handing out willy nilly, girl. That’s called stealing from your employer.

This is an important story to report, because Hardy’s brother was in the driver’s seat. Talking to the media is not important, especially when there are unsolved crimes for the Hardy boys to investigate.

Dan Snyder can keep calling the team “Redskins” no matter what, because you’re right, the First Amendment protects speech, even offensive speech. What it doesn’t protect is your right to *trademark* offensive words and gain exclusive rights to their marketing. That’s because there is no right to a trademark. So whine

Snyder is asking Big Government to control speech through trademark protection, dummy.

“Redskins” is qualified as hate speech, and is not protected under the First Amendment. Further, trademarks are not a method of regulating speech, but rather a method of protecting terms that reference specific products; rescinding a trademark does not restrict speech, but rather opens up an avenue of speech for those

Sorry Tim, I tried to read this review but all i kept hearing was WAH WAH WAHHH WAH WAH WAH WAH!

Aaron Rodgers also sat for a good, long while. So did Tony Romo. It just reached the point that the amount of money you paid quarterbacks, especially first round picks (and double for high first round picks), was going to waste if they weren’t playing.

Then how do NFL defenses get so good if they are pulling from college players who play against college style offenses in college? Couldn’t a “good” NFL coach figure out how to make a college offense actually work in the NFL.


Another hot take: if the NFL wants to put the best quarterbacking product on the field, they need to skip this whole sending players to college thing. Sign those players at 18, pay them to study NFL (not college) football for 3-4 years and you have their athletic prime and mental peak lined up, hopefully.I haven’t

Goodnight room

I don’t know WTF is wrong with people, I have never once put a wet pair of jeans from the washer in the dryer. You air dry those things if you want to get them back on.

“The only OT that was arguably more dominant at any point during Jones’s career”

People with nice jeans that still fit? Guilty as charged.