
I worked for years at a DV agency in Minneapolis. We saw this all the time. The clients I worked with who experienced SA never wanted to talk to the police in Minneapolis. I once had an older client with some mental health issues who tried to report rape by a neighbor. The officer who spoke with her suggested she may

She claims that one of the first things a police officer asked her was: ‘Why were you drinking alone?’

Minneapolis here.  There’s a lot of great things about this place, but law enforcement is not one of them.

She claims that one of the first things a police officer asked her was: “Why were you drinking alone?”

Why women don’t report, Part 3.

Like, what do the police actually DO these days?

From the school of don’t wear your seat belts in the car so you can get thrown clear in a fireball. The water displaces people and the boat moves as it goes down. Getting held against a canopy is a rare thing, and even then -jacket or no- you can pull yourself clear. However if you’ve no jacket on then chances of you

The only fools were the captain and the boating company who still allowed business to happen that day. It’s unfair to assume that customers of any kind of tourism or activity like this, know anything about boating. Cause most times they don’t. They put all their trust in the captain to know what’s right.

Most people don’t have experience boating and don’t realize that boats aren’t immune to that type of weather, especially on a lake. It’s not every day that you hear about a large boat sinking in the middle of an American lake. And I’m not sure what you expected them to do once they’d already left the dock and the

Right. Like, what is the argument against wearing life jackets? I can’t understand telling people not to wear them. Like my mother used to say, better to have and not need than need and not have.

I’m really mad that they were told not to put their life jackets on. I know common sense should rule but when you have someone who you assume knows what they’re doing, 9 times out of 10, you’re going to take their word and trust them.

Silver lining here: all that money Lauer insisted he had to have from NBC and got because he knew how to read a teleprompter and never ask tough questions?

I can respect the hustle as well. If they couldn’t tell the difference between real teen writing and fake teen writing, then did it really matter if she was actually 32?

This explains where they got the plotlines for Maeby Funke on Arrested Development.

We legit drove up from central IL to go to the Mall of America up in MN in the mid-90s. I still remember this amazing lipgloss I got from some store (organics, botanics? something like that). I regret nothing!

You read what she wrote and don't think that is abuse? Shame on anyone who tries to invalidate victims of domestic abuse like this. I hope you never see it in your family.

I’m really excited to see Helena Bonham Carter as Margaret in her gin swilling, chain smoking, deeply cynical and bitter old age. She and the Earl of Snowden hated each other and he was quite cruel to her. The stories about their fights and affairs were legendary. I cannot wait.

The woman is friggin chameleon. It took me forever to connect Broadchurch her to Hot Fuzz her to Fleabag her. She is amazing.

GOD Olivia Colman is: BUSY and I am: HERE FOR IT.

So it’s an ill wind that blows some good, maybe? Yvette Nicole Brown is fantastic (or should that be super-fan tastic?) and TV gets a little less white.