
Fuck Buck.

So Jared realized the only appealing thing about his white-bread a** was Ashley I and decided that this is the only way he’ll stay in the spotlight?

Yeah, I’ll probably end up binge watching charmed when the first season hits netflix.

That show got so hilariously awkward once it became apparent beckett couldn’t stand castle.

Oh this is excellent! Though I really do have trouble sometimes thinking of him as anything other than as Jack Randall, giving me the heebie-jeebies.

You’re thinking of Rosie O’Donnell

I’m calling an upset for Dr. Megha Panda.

yeah but would you find all those great little paid samples and stocking stuffers if you shopped online? Half of my sephora visit involves me musing over the products in the check-out line.

Man, I had to make the difficult decision of avocado toast or a house. But I’m a millenial so you can guess where my priorities went.

just wait for the next round then you can vote being a handmaid out!

So are we voting for which is better or worse? I feel like I mix this up every year.

I saw someone speculating the affair may have continued into the presidency, but I don’t know if that’s been confirmed yet.

This is amazing.

Man, I wish we had some girl scouts in my neighborhood. They used to sell at the local grocery store. Now it’s a bunch of middle aged women selling the same cookies to ‘Support Law Enforcement’.

Gotta support those avocado toast habits.

I’ve only started wearing make up to avoid those comments. Or worse “What’s wrong?”

I think that’s a guy default because 9 times out of 10 when I change up my make up routine, my husband’s default compliment is “I like what you’ve done with your hair.”

Yeah, I got a keurig as a wedding present and loved&used for a year. Then I started reading about how wasteful those pods were. Now every morning it’s french press and composting the coffee grounds.

Oh man, you’re reminding when I used to mix some of this into my instant coffee for a “nice afternoon” coffee after I graduated college.