
Apparently cats get anxious and depressed if they don’t have any fur to groom.  My daughter’s elderly cat had to be clipped year round for health reasons.  They always left her head, tail, and boots with the furr.

Because you go outside between your home and your office (at least most people do) and most office windows are not UV coated so if you’re near one you need it then too. (Didn’t you see the part about the truck driver getting damage through the truck windows?) It’s not just about direct sunlight it’s about UV rays as

I wonder if this is generational. My step mother (baby boomer) thinks she needs to lay out in the sun for 30 min a day to get her vitamin D, and also does not use daily sunscreen. 

I am disturbed by the fact that you, a cat, have learned to use Kinja.

I hate switching seats on planes bc I am picky and have to travel for work all the damn time, but not doing it makes you a monster. Can I use this as an excuse not to switch from now on? I think so. Team Selfish for the win!

She already got free shit from T-Mobile immediately after it went viral. I didn’t know about the plane tickets or job. Yikes. Everything about her is damn thirsty. I’ll include her boyfriend because he was just as happy to eat popcorn next to her during this.

I feel so, so sorry for the woman whose act of kindness (giving up her seat) ended up being used as a jump-off point for Blair. Blair has done nothing but try to turn this into internet fame, asking for free plane tickets and a job at Buzzfeed. Listen, it is this simple: don’t fucking photograph someone without their

Auto Mechanic: I see the problem

This isn’t surprising, but it is still upsetting nonetheless.

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.

good. you should feel like an asshole. but not for the reasons you think.

That’s great for you, but it’s not an option for everyone.

Now playing

College can easily be made free, or at least much more affordable. Just take the profits from the sports programs and use that to pay for the rest of the budget. Hold on, let me check something...

From the creators of Paid Off, you’ll love NBC’s spinoff series following the lives of millennials who graduated college with student loans AND entered the workforce during a global recession. Tune in this week for a new episode of  Laid Off!

Hotwives is the best. OMG, they should do a special episode of Hotwives of Gilead, especially since Hotwives is a hulu creation. Some of the characters would transition really easily.

My journalist ex plagiarized from me. The palpable rage and resentment have never gone away. When I turned his ass in to his editor, his editor said, “Yes, I could tell this was in your voice, not his, but I figured you guys worked out something so I didn’t say anything.”

Also, know that anytime you write “no drama,” it’s interpreted as “I will cause drama.”

And that drowning is the leading case of death among kids.

I hope Thailand undertakes a public health initiative to teach more of their citizens how to swim. Recently, I read that a low percentage of Thai citizens know how. I tried finding the article, and couldn’t but I think it’s like 20% of Thais know how to swim.

I’ve been caving, and I’ve been scuba diving. Both times it took a sincere effort for me not to panic. I can’t imagine having to do both, without having experience with either.