
Not to mention how much of a pain it would be to get back into dating. So glad I met my S.O. before Tinder, when you just hooked up with the rando at the bar.

OK, how big was this closet?

You can’t leave us like that!

To be fair, there aren’t really any good ‘k’ names to give a guy. What would they have called him? Kevin? Kenny? *Hurk*

*scrubs eyes*


Boulder is the worst for everything. Think SoDaSoPa on South Park, except the joke sticks around WAY too long.

She saw I was sketched out, and hugged me, to comfort me, I guess.

So many things here. I’m cringe-y about razors in that area to begin with, but wielded by someone else? did that particular file get billed?

Hang on, up?

I don’t get this! I have a few lady friends (in relationships) who are obsessed with using their buddies’ tinder/grindr. My only thought is they’re getting bored with their own? Maybe there’s more to it.

Yes it’s an unrealistic beauty standard, boys. We’ve been stuck seeing variations of the same woman in film for decades.

Yes, of course I wash my legs. I try and scrub every part of skin. I’m grossed out too by all y’all

I do sympathize with you, and that’s a sucky situation. I do get prickly when assumptions are made.

The media is going to break poor Shade Court this week. Won’t someone think of Kara?

“Have you ever thought about what another guy’s cock would feel like?”

Yeah, no. Not every woman who’s submissive has been horribly abused. It’s societal.


I just don’t watch the NFL much. We don’t have TV, just pay subscriptions, and frankly it got a lot less fun to watch after all those revelations about traumatic brain injury.