If I remember correctly, that’s pretty much exactly how it happened with Good Omens as well.
If I remember correctly, that’s pretty much exactly how it happened with Good Omens as well.
I... just thought they were saying “Hey, Michael Keaton’s in it, so why would you need Winona Ryder?”
There was an awful lot of new, funny stuff in Season One that was written without Sir Terry, so I trust Gaiman to be able to do the same for Season Two. Also, I remember Gaiman saying at one point that a lot of the bits of the book people assumed came from Pratchett because they were funny actually came from him, and…
I mean, they already said Michael Keaton’s going to be in it.
Wow, according to IMDb, it is! She was 17 and it was one of her very first roles, though it was uncredited. She played their mother in the flashback sequence, and Bonnie Bartlett played her in present day.
But while it’s unlikely that Snyder will ever fulfill his dream of making the child of Bruce Wayne and Lois Lane into the new Batman
I feel like if a state was both a slave state at the time of the Civil War and a member of the Confederacy, it can count as being part of the South.
I’ve got my issues with South Park, but I always did really appreciate how the movie managed to pre-satirize the exact reaction they knew their movie was going to get.
It’s possible they still might. They haven’t said how Phil and Lil were fathered yet. They certainly might go the anonymous sperm donor route and write Howard out entirely, but he may yet be involved somehow.
And there we go, proof that you just post things without bothering to see if you’re actually making sense. I won’t respond to your gibberish any further, so enjoy the rest of your day.
Once again, per the links I shared, she was talking about this long before he died.
Gosh, maybe because people wrote her off as being high and making it all up, or just didn’t really care much in general when women came forward with stories of abuse.
You’re right, no one has heard about it until now, unless you count this 2014 interview:
I mean, she’s been telling the same basic story for years, well before he died, but go off.
Goddamnit, Ricky.
He’s... not complaining about Blade Runner, though? He’s giving a list of editorial notes other people gave about the movie. He’s making fun of the awful changes that the studio famously forced on the movie to make that version that “no true Blade Runner fan” will ever watch, not the movie itself.
police in the US kill far more whites than POC
“[The county attorney] kept saying ‘You don’t know what he was going to do. You don’t know that he was going to shoot you,’”