You should’ve checked the barrel in the corner. He’s been living here for a week.
You should’ve checked the barrel in the corner. He’s been living here for a week.
Behold! I have brought you a man.
They knew it, too.
Because if you keep the rhyme scheme of “Sneed’s Feed and Seed” but change “Sneed” to “Chuck,” what do you get?
Of course she wants her cake. The alternative is death.
Not true! Some of us point at him and go “It stinks!”
To be fair, Professor Binns was bad at teaching in an extremely realistic way.
Oh yeah, I’ve definitely seen those arguments before, and I just hope that none of those people are/were teachers themselves, because he’s really just awful at teaching.
I never saw Snape ‘revel’ in abuse - rather he was just a strict teacher with a ‘dark past’ that haunted him through rumors.
I haven’t watched it, but taking a look through the Wikipedia plot summary...
Yeah, this is the kind of minor but crucially scene-setting detail that fanfic authors I know would have spent days if not weeks researching to make sure they got it absolutely right, and this guy can’t even be assed to find out if an Octorok is a real animal or not.
I had that on a damn shirt. That, and the “Midvale School for the Gifted.” Man, I wish I knew what happened to them.
Yes, you are correct, it’s not offensive as long as you ignore history, cultural context, and imagery that occurred within living memory. Hell, I remember when the character was still dressed as a mammy in the logo and ads, and I’m not even 40 yet.
This was one of those things that was really surprising to me when I moved out of New Jersey. We always got Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah off from school, and I had no idea most places in the US didn’t.
Take a quick look at some vintage Aunt Jemima ads, the character was explicitly inspired by a blackface minstrel show song, and the term is used as a female counterpart to “Uncle Tom.” The company said they’re going to be changing the name, so it’ll likely be to something that doesn’t have a human mascot at all.
For fucking once, Baltimore did better than most cities with this last night. There were a few acts of violence and vandalism here last night (after some 7 or 8 hours of peaceful protests), but they were mostly from outside groups coming in to stir shit up, and were pretty quickly contained. And why didn’t it turn bad…
I just rewatched this a couple of weeks ago for the first time in probably 25-30 years, and it honestly struck me how cheap a lot of the animation looks, more so than just about any other Disney movie I can think of. I know Disney reuses bits of animation (you can see painted-over bits of The Sword in the Stone in The…
It can be both.
Yeah, it would’ve been a pretty good finale if they hadn’t spent the previous five or so seasons showing us how unhealthy Ted and Robin’s relationship was and how important it was for him to let her go, as well as Barney’s hard-earned character growth. They just decided on an ending early on, and were unfortunately unw…