First you complain that I don’t have a good relationship with you mother. Then you complain that I do. What the hell do you want from me?
First you complain that I don’t have a good relationship with you mother. Then you complain that I do. What the hell do you want from me?
No. When you buy a car, it is a thing that you own. You are not a steward of the vehicle, to preserve it for future generations. You use it as you see fit.
Well, and that whole “family” part stole almost all of my fun-money. Kids are damn expensive.
Hey get out of here with that logic! This is a Gizmodo blog (or whatever the fuck Gawker is called now), where everyone deserves a handout.
There he is everyone! It’s “that guy”!
I think I need to flip up the windshield at my desk now...
Damn, David, that’s one of the best things I’ve read in a long, long time. It got me choked up thinking about my dad working on his old ‘63 Ford pickup when I was in middle school. Thank you for this.
Who’s cutting onions near here? I swear I’m not crying!
Just a damn good story.
When Thunderstruck showed up in a Disney movie I knew I was old.
You had me at Scirocco. Underloved, underappreciated and gone too soon.
Been in trouble with the Law (s of physics) since the day they were born.
Vo-Tech kicked in yo
For the best value, you want a car that lasts. But not all cars make it to the ten-year mark., an…
Oh sure. When the dog climbs into an open cop car it’s cute and understandable. But when I do it I’m “going to jail for sure” and “a sick son-of-a-bitch and need to put my pants back on”.
maybe i’m just a child but I laughed every time Richard pissed off James with the hellcat and giggled at the sound of the hellcat through every tunnel. For me the best of the 3 episodes.
I know right? Why pay for quality content that I enjoy when I can steal it from the creators instead of supporting the continued creation of more content?
I love this game. I needed this game. This week has been hard.
This is a real thing.