Do you guys get bonuses for putting expletives in articles? I am not opposed to cursing if it adds something to the story, but you all seem to just through them in there like your a middle school boy trying to prove how cool you are.
“...let’s be clear, their interest is in making money by insuring classic cars. Even with that in mind....”
Lumping a whole group of people into a category based on their race and believing all of them think, act, and behave the same way. Seems like I have heard of this before......
Dang, I just thought you were crazy with your Jeep love. Now it all makes sense. Great story.
“I would never....” Well actually you would, because you did. You may not like who you are, but your actions reveal your true self. I have no sympathy for these people. Do you think these kids will ever forget this? Do you think they will ever not be gripped with fear if they see a truck with a battle flag? Racism and…
Range Rover not under warranty = Crack Pipe. No further consideration is needed.
In reference to my earlier comment, and with apologies to Eric Carmen:
Our pastor at our church had a VW Fox and occasionally the horn would just start blaring. The only way to shut it off was to buckle (or unbuckle?) the seat belt or disconnect the battery.
NP, and here is why. I had one, and it is an incredible car to drive. It is light and handles great. These things are hard to find in decent shape, and almost impossible to find in this shape. If you want one, then this is a good deal. These are already increasing in value, and I don’t see any reason that won’t…
As a young man, I loved Airwolf, Knight Rider, and the Toyota MR2 (Gen 1). I wanted to have an MR2 with pop out automatic cannons on the front fenders and a grenade launcher that came out of the front hood. Now I wonder why I gave up on that dream (stupid ATF).
This is why we can’t have nice things.... They keep trying to create safety equipment to overcome stupid, but stupid is very strong. I have done a lot of stupid things in a car, so I am not casting stones.
If you have to do it your way, Go with a Honda Fit or Civic Hatchback. Focus or Fiesta are also acceptable choices, but don’t do it your way. Find a car that is safe, but is an absolute pile of crap. First, there is a good chance you’ll wreck it. If you have something you just have to have liability insurance on, you…
Except according to all accounts, the attack was planned during the Obama administration. Just another left wing hack job. Even the NY Times is more objective than this trash passing as reporting.
I owned one of these, sold one of these, regret ever selling the one I had and clicked nice price without reading the details. This is by far the most fun car I have ever owned. With a good set of tires, they are incredible in the curves. Someone please buy this so I don’t.
I can’t imagine that anyone who has lost a child would not find this hurtful. I have 3 boys, I don’t even want to imagine what that would be like.
I have had 3 Honda Civic Hatchbacks, 2 were great, the 3rd was a turd. This was due to the lack of care by the previous owner, but I learned a valuable lesson. Even a great car can be ruined by lack of care and maintenance in a very short period of time. Buy any car that has been hooned to death and you will regret…
About 65 or 70, I plan on taking up hobbies like this. Flying, parachuting, motorcycle, etc. If I make it, great! I had a fun time. If I die, no problem. I would much prefer to die in a plane crash than from Alzheimer’s, cancer, or whatever else finally takes out most folks. But for now, I have a wife and kids to…
Pro Tip: Putting racing and performance stickers all over your back windows defeats your sleeper idea. Also CP!