Look at you, working and sacrificing to pay off your student loans. What gives? Don’t you know the new deal is that you are supposed to whine and complain and ask for someone else to pay them off?
Look at you, working and sacrificing to pay off your student loans. What gives? Don’t you know the new deal is that you are supposed to whine and complain and ask for someone else to pay them off?
I took the test and I got this
Gosh. Thanks, but don’t got time for celebration. About to go out driving in my 3d printed Lambo!
Real men use hacksaw blades.
“Huuurrrr durrrr dis ugly I rader has a brown manuel station wagen sumting sumting miata. Volvo”
-Jalopnik commenters.
feel free to copy and paste this to every great fucking car that gets released to us with no obligation for you fuckheads to even buy, but feel the need the complain anyhow.
I think it’d be fun to play np or Cp with them. Pick a few of the most popular and compare their opinion to the of the jalopnik poll.
Materials engineer here with some expert advice.
Your response sounded like it was meant for Tennessee, but you incorrectly chose Florida.
A Texan with a sense of pride and identity in his state is a lot better than you who probably stands arm in arm with your fellow protestors singing we are the world and welcoming the coming surrender of national sovereignty. I’m not American so I have no bias but from an outsiders perspective I see and admire the…
Car people are insufferable nostalgists. It’s true! We glorify everything old and weird and full of character, but…
If tractors are outlawed, only outlaws will have tractors.
Three quarters of a century spent delivering freedom through any kind of terrain imaginable.
But it's hard to attack its commitment to electric vehicles when BMW is only the second automaker to deliver a ground-up designed, mass-market EV – let alone investing over $1b into a dedicated brand to market it.
So GQ sent me down to Monroe, La. (GUMBO GUMBO GUMBO), to hang out with the Duck Dynasty family. You can read the…