
By the way, if you’re looking for a post-9/11 sports moment that actually meant something to New Yorkers, it’s Mike Piazza’s home run.

Can’t we just remember and appreciate this event on a micro level? At the time is was a very important moment and it’s a beautiful sports moment. ESPN tells sports stories and this was a great one. They should be applauded for not worrying about everyone’s macro perspective on President Bush and for telling one hell

The #1 seed at the U.S. Open, who was two matches away from winning the calendar-year Grand Slam for the first time in a generation, got upset by a nobody over 40 minutes ago. And this sports website has zero content up about it, because its writers are too busy being petulant whiners that a sports media company did a

It’s a little tasteless to speak for all New Yorkers with respect to what they found most meaningful post-9/11. I’m fervently anti-Bush, but I can also acknowledge that lots of Americans found his leadership (and his first pitch) comforting in the wake of the most traumatic event in the country’s history.

Your personal bias against Bush is clouding your memory. At the time he stepped out to throw this pitch the foundation of America identify had been forever changed. The Twin Towers were a pile of rubble, who could have ever imagined that. So the president standing tall alone in the open did represent something bigger

This article could not be a bigger, more petulant, wet blanket. I voted against him twice (yes, it was a vote against him), and obviously don’t view his presidency favorably. But he was awesome in the few months following 9/11, and this moment was a highlight (when I/we still needed one) that still gives me chills.

V-necks are the only suitable undershirt to actually wear under a button up and let them serve their intended purpose.

Well, how is he supposed to know if he did anything wrong if someone doesn’t beat the shit out of him first?

What’s this “we” crap? I’m not watching it.

No, that’s his recipe for salsa. For tomato sauce, he runs them over with his car.

Nothing makes sense? He wants to get laid by that blond sitting next to him. Seems pretty obvious to me!!

I’ve packed socks more carefully then that. Don’t really feel bad for her.

Former teller here too, and yeah, they would get in deep shit for that. Usually max total top drawer is $2500 or so.

Say everyone ranked 20th and lower?”

You just sound like a cranky child. Pretty much all golf courses were like that back in the day. Golf was a white men’s game, you can’t retroactively apply today’s logic to actions made decades ago.

I have tried quite a few including some pricy stuff like Jack Blacks natural deodorant ( which I DO NOT recommend. made my armpits itchy and metamorphisized into a cat pee smell after a few hours. not cool). I have recently picked up some Dove Mens Deodorant which smells lovely , does not irritate and the smell holds

I have tried quite a few including some pricy stuff like Jack Blacks natural deodorant ( which I DO NOT recommend.

I always thought it would be awesome if the fans of Entourage and the fans of Sex and the City could be introduced at the world’s largest Brotastic/Basic Bitch Mixer, and then be shipped off to Wish Fulfillment Island where they could live out their lives as a never-ending cycle of roofies, brunch and credit card debt.

Yeah. Getting hit by a lawnmower should be above Glen.

Oh, and Kevin? You're getting married AND closing on a house? Congrats, you're an honest-to-goodness adult now!