
Missed out on my favorite frozen candy, Kit Kat.

General admission is the absolute fucking worst for any in demand event. The fucking worse. It just leads to lining up a million hours before the thing starts, people trying to find ways to jump the line, people arguing about line jumping, and people fighting about whether saving spots in line is ok.

OSHA recommends replacing a hard hat every 2-5 years, depending on usage, and immediately after severe impact.

The anthem before EVERY sporting event is one of the dumbest things we do. First of all, the song fucking sucks. Second, I fucking know where I am. Third, what the fuck does my hat have to do with how hard I respect America?

Or what lavelle is doing at 11, every single boy (even the “nonathletic ones”) in these European and South American countries are doing at 5... I really hate the “athlete” argument, our players (men) are not outmatched athletically, we are outmatched by skill and coaching and cultures where putting a soccer ball on

This excerpt is self-serving to the point of being offensive. It is a disgustingly misleading account that trivializes a heinous crime by asking the idiotic question when can I return to broadcasting? Seriously? That’s what you were thinking about after your son murdered the mother of your grandchild?

Just a reminder with the “leave my wife alone” stuff in this piece. Jerry Remy’s wife begged Martel not to extend the emergency temporary restraining order because it would “ruin his life”. Deadspin ran a story on this.

Yeah, and the other two kids (Jordan and Jenna) have both been in trouble with the law for committing violent crimes. WTF happened in that house?

“The criticism lasted for months. It was just relentless and cruel.”

Sorry Deadspin, but in the US soccer world, ur only slightly better than TMZ.

This should be criticism. It was not even addressed in the story. Nor was there any discussion about the nuances about the situation. 

I was going to close this webpage in disgust EXCEPT I needed to race to the bottom of the comments to register my volcanic disapproval at anyone thinking Cool Ranch Doritos are 1) better than OG Nacho Cheese Doritos 2) good AT ALL 3) DESERVING OF THE FIRST OVERALL PICK?

Nacho Cheese Doritos are the finest snack of all time, they don’t even really taste like nachos or a specific cheese, but their cheesish, tomato-y tang really hits the spot right. Cool Ranch by comparison are weird, sometimes they’re good and sometimes they’re awkward, and they always have that gross buttermilk stink

It was very difficult not to just close the page when I saw the first pick. Cool Ranch Doritos are nasty. And I like ranch dressing.

Bruins fans bitching about this while defending Marchand sucker punch is chicken soup for the soul.

You need to look at their $ totals going into final jeopardy again.

I’m slowly but surely getting on the “remove instant replay in all sports” bandwagon because it fucking sucks.  No, I don’t want to hear about how you lost your money gambling.  No, I don’t want to hear about “getting it right.”  No, I don’t want you to bring up examples about how it benefited the teams I support. 

The next Tournament of Champions is going to be absurd. I would gladly watch James, Ken, and Brad in a 1 hour, 5 round battle

When the fuck are you ever going to look at that picture of sushi you ate? You’re only taking that picture to brag on social media. Just eat your food and enjoy the goddamned moment. I don’t understand how people can live through an instagram filter.

No. That’s not how you resolve it. You take your strike and you do better. You don’t say, incorrectly, that you had the rights to post it and counter claim.