
A piece of entertainment technology so bland and retrograde that no American teenager would be able to spend more than four minutes using one before begging to be taken home so can go back to playing Fortnite.”

I’m in the same camp. 36, never touched a typewriter. I learned to type in middle school on a computer using DOS based Word Perfect. And of course I was taught by teachers who taught double space, and I still do it. But I think that we may be at the young end of the “double spacing” generation.

I’m not nearly forty. I’ve never used a typewriter (may have tapped on one a few times, that’s it), and I definitely know the difference between monospace and proportional width fonts. I’ve created a few fonts of my own back in high school for programming projects.

Yeah it’s so annoying when you go to a public place and other members of the public are enjoying themselves in a way that you don’t like. How dare they react to a sporting event like some kind of asshole.

“But when you’re at a food and drink establishment with televisions, having left your house in an attempt to have a conversation with a real person, you end up not really talking to that dear friend, instead finding yourself constantly distracted by whatever is on the screen behind their head.”

You might be embarrassed to find out this way, but football is continuing to be played. It’s the thing that happens right after the anthem.

PMT needs to get the fuck out of Barstool sports. Their dipshit founder essentially cost them a TV show because he’s a child and cannot apologize or let something go

How large is both your dishwasher and your kitchen? I like to pretend that putting the dishes away takes a long time too, but then I actually get around to doing it and realize it’s about 45 seconds to finish the task. I’ve literally gotten it done in the past while my SO was using the bathroom before going out.

If you eat lunch before noon you belong in prison or an asylum

After paying to volunteer as a walking scorer where you walk and keep score WITH the group of golfers, I would never ever ever attend a golf tournament where I had to watch from outside the ropes again. I’d volunteer and walk-score or just watch the tourney from home.

They at least need to go back to having original Super Bowl logos, because this bland Lombardi-trophy-in-front-of-that-year’s-stadium shouts just how lame the NFL brass truly is.

It will go down as the shortest-lived logo in sports history.

I don’t think a guy from Fresno, which has teen birthrates comparable to medieval Ireland primarily because it’s the most religiously conservative large city in the state, has any business preaching abstinence-only.

So this is the follow up to Zohan?

I’ll just tack it on here: Is Mr. Nick Martin too young to remember Major Applewhite? Because he is definitely a guy we can remember.

Ann Burrell is another annoying biznatch, but whenever I’m making something new I look up both of their recipes and use a combo of the two.

He should have just posted a sex video. I mean, apparently that’s having journalistic integrity. Posting naked pictures just means you’re a perv and should go to jail. Posting a celebrity sex vid means you are fighting for American values and should be allowed to make millions in profit. Amirite Gawkers?

unrelated: web site/media group that paid for unauthorized celebrity sex tape and refused to take it down still bitching about jury’s ruling against them.

Gawker provided a link to the pics