
Or it's just a woman who happens to work there.

"'What if the PGA made the Birdie Juice Rule a mandatory thing on tour?" Wait, this isn't a thing?'

-John Daly

If any of these stories had been told to SI or GQ, they'd be held up as marvellous pieces of journalism. Hell, Bill Simmons would have half the sports media queuing up to congratulate themselves if one of his minions penned 15,000 words on Russell Wilson admitting to being a bully.

90% of all sportswriter's stories are meaningless too. Players Tribune just cuts out the middle man. Instead of hearing Russell's boring story from say, Peter King, u hear it from Russell himself.

Dumb article. No one thinks that the players tribune will be ground breaking. But it is insights into the players. All be it polished up... But I really enjoyed reading Griffin's piece and no I don't read GQ so I have not heard it before. I have no idea why Deadspin tries to bash everyone around them. Deadspin

It doesn't really matter what they say... thankfully we'll always have Diana Moskovitz on board to translate those thoughts into what she wants to hear.

What's more embarrassing?

wouldn't scouting out a yearbook be the first source you'd look for rather than asking if someone knows if someone played football decades ago? and had he been a democrat you'd have never even second guessed his story. you fucked up in a lot more ways on this story than you're admitting..i'd bench mckenna for a long

This is the mark of a good reporter. You made a fuckup, you explained why, and apologized. That's the mature thing to do that any adult in the real world would do, and what any workplace expects.

even in this report, which is much more factual than your previous article, you imply that his attorney was trying to blame the victim. You should apologize or pull the original article, or edit it to state that his accuser withdrew her complaint.

Holy fucking crap, Diana. I'm as liberal as they come and I generally assume accused rapists are most likely guilty, but your treatment of this is unbelievably fucked up and biased. This is just absurd and irresponsible. I'm actually kind of disgusted. How can you guys excuse this sort of shit? Fox News could learn a

Translation: HEY LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!

Any discussion of consent, which is the central issue of a rape case, is going to sound like "she wanted it." Because, well, thats what you have to prove.

I dont agree with any of your stupid translations.

headline: LAWYER ACTUALLY DOING HIS JOB ON BEHALF OF CLIENT. i guess that's not as much of a clickbait headline, though. I'd love to see what suits gawker has defended itself against and how your lawyers portray themselves.

Joe Buck is from St. Louis.

But that's more of an argument against three divisions than it is anything else. If we want four playoff teams, we should either have two division winners and two wild cards or four division winners. Or do away with division play altogether and just have the four teams with the best record go to the playoffs. Five

If Abe Lincoln rose from the grave, the car wash is the first place I'd take him to blow his mind. It would take him a week to recover from seeing it.

And she did it for the gift basket.

Born and raised in PA, went to Penn State and currently live in Philly. I think Yuengling is absolute garbage. I haven't paid for it in about 5 years and would never choose to do so. If I'm given it at a bar, I am generally not a happy person. It has a nuttiness to it that I do not like. It also can give you a