
IMHO, it doesn't require anything more than a regular soccer game needs. I think it is this image of this "gravitas" and being "THE VOICE" of American soccer that we get caught up in that is the problem.

Please, no JP.

Way to stay on top of things, EA.

Ray Lewis: "Fall on every dog pile, or else you can't take credit for every tackle"

This game was bad all the way around - there was a point where 5 plays in a row were flagged. People may want offense but they don't want to tune in to see penalties. Both teams had long drives that were of little offensive production but were able to march down the field on penalty yards. It may be a good idea to

You didn't include things not eaten in a fruit-like manner, but there are lemon and lime stealing spots in the top 10.

I would rather they go full-Nascar with the jerseys than look at shit like this.

My son is also named Bortles.

Describing that as one of your prouder moments is profoundly sad.

This may be heresy in some circles, but serving a burger on an English muffin really solves all of the juice run-off problems, what with the old world nooks and crannies technology prominently features on both sides of the "bun." A burger-blood-soaked bottom English muffin bun is one of the most delicious foods on the

I picture the people who do find that funny from the commercial the type of person I'd hate without even knowing about them finding that part funny.

That's a fair question. I think the importance of Sheridan being wrong on the details is that this wrongness casts doubt on whether he actually had a reliable source giving him inside information about LeBron's intent, or just gambled on what was, by then, basically a 50/50 proposition, figuring that if he got it

Well, he "tested positive" for "performance-enhancing drugs," a fact "confirmed" by the "Players Association." I can see how there's wiggle room there.

Because they're all 50, white, and from the East coast?

"I always look like I am the bad guy," says a man who never receives anything but fellatio from the mainstream sports media.

A major league infielder should make that play, and Ortiz should know that. Oh, that's right, he doesn't play defense.

"everyone knows sports fandom is a static, immutable phenomena. Nothing will ever change, baseball, boxing, horse racing and to a lesser extent rowing will rule the American psyche forever," said an idiot in the 1920s

Yeah these 5 minutes or so added at the end of each half are really what's killing futbol (I refuse to call it soccer). Compare that to american football and basketball where the last 2 minutes of the game can literally take 30 minutes real time. I guess you can have drama for 5 minutes or 30, your pick.