Display Name Robert

drove by a KFC last night and was wondering WTH a ‘zinger’ was. Now that I know they are the most important food in the multiverse I really must try one.

or wait a minute.... is this a sponsored post? is giz part of the conspiraKFC?

Oooh good point, I forgot about that one! I particularly appreciated how that was the result of the Founders figuring the Vorta wouldn’t need those things in their designated role. They could have given them Better At Everything genetic enhancements, but nah, that might give them... ideas.

Also they could only taste, like, two things. Literally just those two specific things.

Vorta had poor vision and a complete inability to process art.

The worst part is that Troi’s Counselor position was supposed to be designed as a diplomatic adviser (which is why she’s seated next to the Captain), but later flanderized into more of a ship psychiatrist/psychologist. Wasted opportunity all around.


T’Pol not T’Pel. T’Pel is a different Vulcan.

You know he’s just going to have sex with it, right?

This is fascinating. Am I dumbing this down too much to say that Crispr/CAS9/Replacement Protein is just a Find/Replace tool, and the component they’re putting in the “Find” section is too short? For example if you have a sequence “GGACCTGGCCCAATTG” and you do the find and replace for just the “GGCC” part, but then it

This is how you get X-Men. I am ok with that.

Does the paper in question mention what sort of repair template they used for the homology directed repair? I’m doing this right now at work and am in the process of screening clones to confirm the desired mutation occurred. We used a fairly long template, instead of just a short oligo, so we’re/I’m thinking that

A Mustang...being chased by a Wrangler....

“Since license plates are the property of the Crown, there is no appeal process.”

Hey, an interesting article for once.

What’s in Perth? No idea, all I know about Australia is:

I just hope this doesn’t split the vote come Oscar Time.

Word. I try and fly Alaska exclusively... in so much that I spent the day today driving from Houston to NOLA solely because Alaska got me to Houston cheaper, and a six hour drive was an excuse to go fishing... but I digress, just wanted to give Alaska some props... no pun, they were jets.

You’re absolutely right! I did take a flight on Alaska Airlines once, a few years ago—very pleasant. I have also taken JetBlue and Virgin, but they’re very mediocre.

My theory is that air crew walk around with this giant chip on their shoulder because deep down they know they are nothing more than trumped up serving staff. Sure, they wear a natty uniform and go to ‘training seminars’ in far flung exotic locations, but at the end of the day it’s back to getting me a double martini,