Display Name Robert

Totally think the station was destroyed and this is the new Quarks - Picard needs a rogue crew.. who else would he go see?

... every freaking time, right?  Every airline article  

Alaska Airlines, not Alaskan Airlines. 



parthenogenesis - another thing I learned about from Dr House!

That story has been my favorite for yearsssssss. Excellent response!

Since she was seated in 1A, likely a bulkhead row in first class.. Her dog companion couldn’t be accommodated there. Bulkhead rows (and exits) don’t allow items under your seat or by your feet..I’m sure she’ll be reimbursed for the downgrade buttttt if she didn’t have her dog on her reservation there was no way to

In related news.. By the year 2020 iPhone production should double.

Effffffff I'm so sorry


Why bears really go to rehab..

I was intrigued by the box.. Now I suspect the temporal Cold War is some how involved.

Add The Office (U.S.) to you’re list and clear me a spot on your couch! Frasier still might be the most consistently funny show ever filmed

"Then I watched Daredevil, and it might as well have ended with a mic drop, 'cause it's on another level entirely"

Seriously, read the headline and dismissed it.. Then noticed that Jack and Josiah were along for the ride.. SOLD.

I agree - plus if she did go downhill mid flight and the plane had to divert back to Hawaii or wherever.. That's 160 people who would be effected vs just her being forced to overnight in Hawaii for one extra day while she got a doctors note. Rebooking 160 people and hotels.. Missed connections.. All that. That's

shut it down people - perfect reply status has been achieved.

but the show is sooooo good! I like to watch it on my Macintosh Phone while eating Tree clams!