Display Name Robert

For some reason, I always balked at the iPhone leather cases (maybe the price, maybe some internal resistance to buying a case from Apple?) but, mostly due to a lack of time to get anything else before a trip, I bought one last year and fell in love with it. $50 was more than I usually spend on a case, but it looks

For some reason, I always balked at the iPhone leather cases (maybe the price, maybe some internal resistance to

*Alaska Airlines, not Alaskan 

Fire Rescue added that they also found a ballot box with ~15,000 votes floating half a mile away.

The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.

A Mustang...being chased by a Wrangler....

Hey, an interesting article for once.

What’s in Perth? No idea, all I know about Australia is:

I just hope this doesn’t split the vote come Oscar Time.

Word. I try and fly Alaska exclusively... in so much that I spent the day today driving from Houston to NOLA solely because Alaska got me to Houston cheaper, and a six hour drive was an excuse to go fishing... but I digress, just wanted to give Alaska some props... no pun, they were jets.

You’re absolutely right! I did take a flight on Alaska Airlines once, a few years ago—very pleasant. I have also taken JetBlue and Virgin, but they’re very mediocre.

Now that they are expanding more to California and the east coast hopefully the rest of the country will get a taste of why those of use from the northwest swear by Alaska Airlines. Top-notch service of course but the best thing is the lack of attitude, you really do get the idea that they are there to help you rather

My theory is that air crew walk around with this giant chip on their shoulder because deep down they know they are nothing more than trumped up serving staff. Sure, they wear a natty uniform and go to ‘training seminars’ in far flung exotic locations, but at the end of the day it’s back to getting me a double martini,


Fuck that noise. Negra Modelo or GTFO.

sort of a knee jerk reaction, isnt it?

If tossing a salad behind a truck on the side of the highway is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

I loved how Buffy dealt with depression. Those arcs rang true to me, and have stayed with me, for almost fifteen years now.

Did I miss something in the article? I swear I just read that one of the idiots got 13 years and the other idiot 6 years of prison.