Display Name Robert

For some reason, I always balked at the iPhone leather cases (maybe the price, maybe some internal resistance to buying a case from Apple?) but, mostly due to a lack of time to get anything else before a trip, I bought one last year and fell in love with it. $50 was more than I usually spend on a case, but it looks

For some reason, I always balked at the iPhone leather cases (maybe the price, maybe some internal resistance to

Disagree, Renner’s was the only one that came naturally. It actually reminded me of Spike from BTVS in the S5 finale.

Where is Gamora? It’s one of the biggest questions at the end of Avengers: Endgame, and...

Seven of Nine, Data, and Hugh the Borg from the TNG season five episode “I, Borg”, with Jeri Ryan, Brent Spiner, and Jonathan Del Arco reprising their roles. Also confirmed by showrunner Michael Chabon at the panel? Jonathan Frakes (who is also directing several episodes of the series) and Marina Sirtis will reprise

I’m pretty sure Robert E was the non union one.

Makes note... we will update your shipping preferences.

I have Visible and have had no real issues besides it not working well in Alaska when I was there. Tethering is super helpful and works flawlessly. My iPhone 6S Plus switched over easily. When I do need to contact customer service they are extremely helpful and friendly. I was honestly shocked earlier today when I got

You need to watch Daredevil season 3. It was fantastic, easily the best of any of the shows seasons.

That bar attracts its own kind of madness.

One excellent moment of normalizing queer relationships in Trek (and one I’m pretty sure had to be slipped by the higher ups) is when Dax is talking to Pel (a female Ferengi presenting as a male to get ahead in the world) about Quark in the DS9 episode “Rules of Acquisition”:

*Alaska Airlines, not Alaskan 

Fire Rescue added that they also found a ballot box with ~15,000 votes floating half a mile away.

The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.

Miles is literally a temporal mechanic.

I detect flute notes as well

It’s a prop leftover from Star Trek: Nemesis.

Maybe that’s the expiration date? Also, if true, ewwww.

These guys are on it.