Display Name Robert

*clicks on news story, positive this must be from Wasilla or Palmer*


Fuck that noise. Negra Modelo or GTFO.

Because Rat burgers!

I wish SW offered more on the East Coast. Alaskan too.

Because Alaska is a way better airline than Delta, American, United, or any of the other major airlines. I ALWAYS pick Alaska if it is available.

sort of a knee jerk reaction, isnt it?

If tossing a salad behind a truck on the side of the highway is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

But is it a backdoor Venom prequel?

The funniest part of that episode (funny only in retrospect) is when Kamala is telling Picard about herself and says, “I’m a mutant.”

We all know she was banging Logan just to get closer to Jean-Luc.

I loved how Buffy dealt with depression. Those arcs rang true to me, and have stayed with me, for almost fifteen years now.

in contrast. The best movie theater in America will be my upcoming one. we are going to put a bunch of pet carriers in the lobby and children must be put in them and picked up when the movie is over or after a few days if you pay extra.

You’re fine, it only counts as chauvinistic if you keep her pregnant all the time as well.

She’s not.....she’s not pregnant is she?

(Wait, shhhhh, the wife is coming up the stairs, can’t let her know we have a computer or she might get ideas)

*jumps to post reply* ...Brain chip, eh?

My story has nothing to do with a preorder of the Nintendo, but still with Amazon though.