Fuck that noise. Negra Modelo or GTFO.
My 1948 Willys—nicknamed Project Slow Devil—has been dead since its engine lost all compression on a rural Kansas…
sort of a knee jerk reaction, isnt it?
If tossing a salad behind a truck on the side of the highway is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
I loved how Buffy dealt with depression. Those arcs rang true to me, and have stayed with me, for almost fifteen years now.
On March 10, 1997, the WB debuted Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Picking up shortly after the 1992 movie of the same name…
Did I miss something in the article? I swear I just read that one of the idiots got 13 years and the other idiot 6 years of prison.
Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?
I would be unforgivably remiss if I did not point out how unbelievably attracted I am to Ellie Kemper. She is the very reason my wife and I have a celebrity clause in our marital vows....and we both insisted she be at the top of the list. If you’re out there Ellie, I’m burning a torch for you in the least creepy way…
I vote for Tituss/Titus as host of the Emmys; he’s the best part of this show, by a league. His funny is FAST.
in addition to its restrictions on Asian immigrants, the act also excluded “convicted criminals, chronic alcoholics, and people with contagious diseases, but also people with epilepsy, anarchists, most people who couldn’t read,” and anyone deemed likely to “become a public charge.”
I love the fact that if Jesus* were alive today and showed up at an airport, we would tell him to go fuck himself.
This just in; tax payers shell out $8 million dollars to catch thief who stole 1.6. Seems like a great use of resources.
The irony is, most of the deception at the time was to prevent victims from realizing what was about to happen to them. From a description of the arrival site at Treblinka:
While some camps made a weak effort to conceal their murderous operations, Sobibor was clearly a death camp: prisoners were often taken straight from the trains to the gas chambers. After an uprising in October 1943, Nazis destroyed the camp and attempted to eradicate all evidence of the killings. But researchers have…
It’s an excellent time to have one . Why do you ask?
I have enjoyed them all mostly
But the one with Mathieu Amalric sucked pretty bad, dullness low stakes wise.
Skyfall let the bad guy win, which no one seemed to mind at all. Which is odd.
I loved Skyfall. Almost as much as I loved Casino Royale.