Display Name Robert

It might be un-PC but it's for sure hilarious.

not so funny anymore, is it.

I just cried a little.

I've kept track of the comic book seasons since they started. I own a few of them but mostly I just read the reviews and details online. Giant dawn.. Ghost Wesley. Good stuff.

Season 5 of angel - I really wish harmony has been a full time player for the entire series. Though.. Her interactions with Spike are what made her so funny.

the choco peanut banana one was pretty good. Banana and stouts seem to blend well together.

until yesterday I didn't know canned whole berry existed.. It was on the shelf next to the superior ridged clean berry godsend. I kinda felt sorry for it. It just looks sad.

sweet potato - I think it just sounds classier. Plus the flavors tend to be more intense.. and PP just seems massed produced.. Store bought anyway. I guess SPP is probably the same way regionally.

"oh man this story's good"

This just makes Disneyland even better! Line to Splash Mountain too long? Time to play spot the cat!

Well, I had stuff to accomplish today but all of that's changed. I'm now reading the Disneyland Cats blog all afternoon. I've been there so many times.. How did I not see them?!

here's my Norwegian Forrest cat cuddling with my other uncategorized black cat. 5 years ago the Norgy was left in a stairwell of the apartments where I lived. She was trying to hide in a corner by a door and looked as if she was dead.. I grabbed a towel from my place (expecting a dead cat) and picked her up. Turns

FINALLY! I agree! Simmer down people..

I'm still watching it.. I have hopes this movie will pull a sharknado and be in theaters before Christmas.

Agreed, I've read this shit show story about a shitty airplane ride 10+ times. Love love love.

I don't know you, but I appreciate you nonetheless

What version or method has been the key to your success?

"jumped the mammoth". YES.